cincuenta y tres

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everything was dark and silent.

corbyn's head still hurt a little and his legs felt numb, he tried to move one of my hands but immediately let out a soft groan when he felt that it wasn't moving. it was as if his whole body had become very heavy.

the blonde opened his eyes little by little preparing him to return to reality, fixed his gaze on the white ceiling and then looked at the four walls of the same color that surrounded him. the room smelled lilies, fabric softener, ammonia and disinfectant, his stomach turned a little but not enough to make him vomit.

beside him, a device that kept making noise caught his attention, and quickly deduced that it was the machine that measured his heart rate.

corbyn released the air from his lungs tightly and this time, using all his effort, he was able to move one of his hands. it was there when he noticed that there was someone else in the room, he was sitting next to him, with his head lying on the bed where corbyn was.

the boy was sleeping deeply.

corbyn raised his right arm and ran his fingers through that messy bush of brown hair, until zach raised his head suddenly and looked surprised.

"matthew..." he exclaimed with a peculiar glow in his eyes.

"hello." corbyn replied. he felt his throat and lips dry and his voice was very weak. the blonde smiled and blinked a couple of times, still a little disoriented after having suddenly awakened from his sleep. he looked terribly tired, his face was very thin, his cheeks were more sunken than before, there were marks of sleepless nights around his eyes and his hair was more rumpled than ever.

"please, tell me i'm not dreaming." said zach biting his lower lip.

corbyn smiled to see him like this. it looked adorable. although he still didn't understand why he was feeling so bad and his whole body ached. "where am i?"

"in the hospital. they brought you here after..." but he left the sentence halfway.

zach didn't want to talk about it, and the truth was that corbyn was beginning to remember and it didn't seem like a very nice topic to talk about either.

"i see..." corbyn swallowed. "do you think i can drink some water?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

zach nodded and quickly got up from his place to approach a cart with wheels on the side of the door. in it, there were a couple of floral arrangements, balloons with motivational phrases, and most importantly, a jug of water.

zach filled a glass and then handed it to him.

corbyn's throat felt very sore, even just drinking water was painful, so he concentrated on drinking the contents of the glass in slow, slow sips.

"how you feel?" zach asked, taking a seat in the chair where he had woken up.

"i feel like i've been hit by a truck but... i'm fine." i am fine, right? the blonde wondered. "how long have i been here?"

"five days. you have been unconscious all this time. the medical operation lasted twenty-four hours."

the operation.

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