twenty nine

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Tzuyu's POV

I think I have learned to control my emotions, but right now, i just can't. I felt so weird, happy, and very very flustered. I couldn't speak a word. I didn't know what to do next, what to do next with him. Will we walk around Han River like normal people and just casually talk.

Isn't that like a date? We're not going out are we? Of course not. Then I started to imagine all kinds of things, but their not lewd! I assure you that I am not a pervert. Well, most of the time...

I feel so different whenever I am around sunbaenim... He makes me feel comfortable and nervous at the same time, which is weird, I know. He's also fun to be with and is a derpy guy. He is very dope, and I like that with boys.

I am a shy girl, and I don't really communicate with boys. But I think I have built trust and have learned a lot from sunbaenim, and that's why I think he's trustworthy. I know that if we get caught right now, he'll defend for me. I don't really like getting bashed at all, and I don't know how to stand up also which is really bad since I work for the media.

So far, sunbaenim has been nice to me. I like that about him, he makes me feel so happy. I wish that we could get even more closer.

JK: So... Should we get going now?
TY: uhm, sure!

He stood up and held out his hand, I quickly grabbed it as I stood up. We were standing and our hands... were...uhmmm

He soon realised it and he suddenly pulled his hand away I was still in shock so I just froze, with my hand in the air.

JK: Ah... Ahahaha... Sorry...

He bowed and I bowed back to him.

TY: Ani, it's fine...

I knew that he was shy around girls, and I was shy around boys to. I guess he felt comfortable, maybe he sees me as a friend. Are we really that close? It's amazing that he can still keep his composure when he's around me, but I barely can when I'm around him. I can't even look him in the eyes for too long, I can't keep eye contact for so long.

I feel thrilled when I see him, it always feels new. It feel so wonderful...

We walked the streets with hats and masks, back to the building. We took secret routes that jungkook oppa knew, but we kept silent. I tried to open a conversation but I can't, I don't know how to. But I enjoyed the silence, I'd rather not that it would be ruined.

Of course it was awkward, Oppa had his hands out and I did to. Our hands would somehow bump into each other sometimes and I got too flustered and shy. I kept them in my pocket as we were nearing the building. Sunbaenim was fidgeting with his ears and nose again, and he would constantly have his hand on his nape.

He looked troubled but happy when he faced me.

TY: Oppa.. Will you go to America again?
JK: Oh... America? I-I don't think s-so... Why do you ask?
TY: Well... I don't know... I hope we'd get a one month's rest, but that's not so possible right now...

There was some silence in between us. There were only a few cars in the road and it was kinda dark.

TY: But if I do... Would you like to hang out again? Well.. If you're free and all...

He suddenly stopped and looked at me. I suddenlyN regretted asking him out on a well.... A hangout. No, definetly not a date.

JK: Well... Yeah! It's fun being with you, you are a very sensible person and Im always free... My PDnim let us have a month of rest after our world tour...
TY: that's... Great... I'll just text you whenever I can, okay?
JK: of course!

After some awkward minutes later, we have arrived at the back of the building. It was 3 in the morning already and I fidured that we should both get some sleep for the journey home tomorrow.

As we got nearer to the back exit, we heard footsteps again. We decided to just not hide since it's probably only the authorities. They are being payed and trusted for their jobs and if they do something wrong, they can go to jail anytime.

But it wasn't authorities, nor guards, nor fans, but it was Kai sunbaenim with... Jennie sunbaenim.

I have been friends with Jennie sunbaenim for a while, whenever we can get together, we always talk to them. Especially Nayeon unnie, she's very close to them. They were shocked to find us entering the building, and of course they had recognizer us already.

We didn't know how to react really... We just stood there. They bowed and so me and Jungkook oppa bowed back to show respect. We let them get in first and it was awkward. After they had entered, me and Jungkook oppa just stood there in awe.

It was peace and quiet when suddenly jungkook sunbaenim laughed.

JK: How awkward can this walk get?!

He said it like everything was chill. We just saw a couple who just recently announced that they have broken up sneak out together and have a walk. I'm pretty sure YG entertainment doesn't really allow that.

I heard from Rose sunbaenim that everything was tight there. They don't even allow male trainees meet up with the girl trainees. They were very strict about their rules. I feel sorry for Jennie unnie.

TY: Ah, yes... I guess they really love each other so much...
JK: hmmp, yeah... It's cute.

Wow, I never thought that Jungkook oppa appreciated couples like that. Maybe he has a soft spot for love, or maybe he was once in love. Well, I can't blame him, love really feels... Beautiful.

(A/N: ahahaha, yes. Also, I really love interaction with the readers as much as possible... So if you wanna talk, you can comment about anything really! Except for hate, I deeply hate hate. Wait... Oh... Also thanks to these readers:
GiGeSNSD and TzuJendeuki
Well, basically... Thank you to all of you guys :)
I luv you so much!!!)

 Thank you to all of you guys :) I luv you so much!!!)

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