thirty four

958 40 2

Jungkook's POV

They were all chatting and I was bored. I couldn't join in in any of their conversations, I wasn't interested about any topic that they were all bringing up. I knew that I didn't seem to be acting alright today, what did I eat?

I knew that I would very much often join a conversation whenever I can, especially with friends like GOT7. But today, today was different. I felt different, I felt confident. Very confident, actually...

I also still felt the nervousness in my heart, but I just extremely felt confident, ya know? I'm not usually like this, I'm always conscious about thing that are not worth worrying about. But today, as I've said... Today was very different.

Today felt very different, I felt so handsome. I'm very very humble about everything and I don't even gave any thoughts about my looks. I just knew that I was decent enough for girls to like.

My eyes were fixed to the wall as I thought all kinds of things. Not perverted things! I am less perverted than my hyungs, but still somehow perverted. But I totally do not check out girls, never! I can't even look at their eyes!

It's just some certain sentences that are not supposed to be perverted but my green mind just makes them, and it will suddenly seem so funny.

As I continue to stare at the wall without any reaction, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my left and Soobin was looking at me. He looked weirded out about my expression.

SB: Jungkook hyung, I made some friends...
JK: Oh really? Wow!
SB: Yeah, but they're females... I don't think I can hangout with them like you and GOT7 sunbaenims.

Suddenly, I thought about me and tzuyu's stroll around the river last night.

JK: Well, as long as you're sly... Are you planning to date one of them though?

He suddenly covered my mouth with his hands.

SB: Oh, Jungkook hyung... I'm gonna kill youuuu!

The last part he said it in whisper, he slowly and awkwardly took his hand ofd my louth as it might have attracted some attention. But by far, no one was looking at me or soobin. Just one person, as always... Chou Tzuyu. She also didn't join any conversations, she just kept quiet like me.

JK: Ah... Mian, Mian....

I apologised to Soobin and we laughed it off. Soobin is a very chill guy, I know he idolizes Jin hyung a lot... But I want him to do the same for me. So I've been hanging out with him lately...

We went back to our same business, with me being bored and not talking at all. Then finally, the food arrived! We all digged in in no time.

They still talked a bit more. Of course, my hyungs had no manners and so did GOT7... Twice couldn't talk with their mouths full though, girls have really proper manners and morals, really...

But I didn't talk, no, not at all. After I've finished first course, I was told that there would be some kind of 2nd course which of course was dessert!

We all had shakes and iced coffee, we had to choose between the two. We also had a slice of cake each, it was kinda small for its price... But I guess that's just how fancy restaurants work...

We all slurped away, and I noticed that Tzuyu wasn't drinking hers. I guess everybody noticed sooner or later, but I noticed it first!

JH: What's wrong Tzuyu-ah? You don't like shakes?

Tzuyu just kept quiet and completely ignored Jihyo's concerns.

JH: Yah, I'm talking to you. You should at least answer me, what's wrong?

Again, she was quiet. Most of everyone was looking at her in the table. I guess they were all concerned, but I was friking worried.

I was literally sweating, what if it was my fault she is acting strange? Is it me? What if she tells the others about me, and where we went...

Or maybe she knows that I was kinda waiting for her today this morning. Maybe she was getting creeped out by me.... Damn jungkook, you shouldn't get to close. You could get called out...

She was being quiet. She suddenly stood up and took her coat, where was she going?

TY: Unnie, I have to go outside...
JH: oh?! Okay...

We were all suddenly confused by Tzuyu's sudden actions, it left us all astounded. Maybe she just need some air, or some space. She slowly and quietly left the place and went outside. Jihyo tried running after her...

JH: Aish, what's wrong with her now?

Wait, did I make her feel violated? She seemed happy yesterday... Was there something I did yesterday that embarrassed her? What did I do?

My mind went crazy and all. I don't think I d-did anything to her last night... Maybe she's just flustered? I think we'll be laying low for a while, we might not be able to say goodbye to her... But I really hope she's fine, please be fine Tzuyu...

I don't want to see her get hurt, not just because she's a hoobae, I think I have feelings for her. I don't know how and when or if I'll even confess to her, I hope she feels the same. I think she won't, so I have to really mentally prepare for whatever turn this friendship will go...

Maybe it's just a one sided crush, I really hope that she gives me a chance. I slowly turned to the door and I so badly wanted to run after her, but Jihyo was there... And we aren't close, maybe if we get teased again will make her uncomfortable, maybe even the sight of me makes her uncomfortable...

I'm sorry Tzuyu... Really sorry...

(A/N: woah, how did this story get to here? Even if I cannot be able to tag all of you who support me and thank you for your support and help, i want this author's note to apply to all who are reading it. Thank you so much, it is really fun to write a story isn't it? I've always wanted to write a story, the ones that are on paper, but I didn't know who exactly to approach so that my book will be published. Thanks to wattpad, I'd dont even have to pay anything! I simply want to share these simple fantasies in my head. If you find me inspiring, thank you. If you don't really enjoy these kind of grateful words, I know it's very cheesy and annoying, I could've skipped an author's note like this if I've ever had come across one. But I just simply want to thank all of you for the success this book has reached, the people that I've inspired, and to all the people who view, vote, and comment on my story. Thank you so much! I love you guysss! 💜💜💜
Author nim~)

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