forty three

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Jungkook's POV

I looked at Jimin hyung, confused.

JK: Wh-What?! See what?

I scoffed as I looked at him, his face was serious.

JM: Jin hyung is in love with Nayeon, I don't know if Nayeon knows it too...

JK: Who told you all this?

JM: Jin hyung told me this yesterday, he told me to calm down and consider being in other members' shoes for a minute...

He stared at Jon hyung with a pityful look, I guess he felt sorry...

JM: Look, Jin hyung... He really loves that girl, but he heard that Nayeon has someone she likes... He also doesn't know how to confess, he says it's easy for us kids since we don't really think about much things thoroughly... He's serious... Jungkook...

JK: Wait, what, really?!

JM: He said that Nayeon makes him feel much more different.. Ever since Twice's dating ban has been lifted... He has been looking for the opportunity to say what he feels for this girl... Isn't that what all of us are doing?

I nodded at him, hyung just smirked than sighed.

JM: But he says that it's impossible... Nayeon wouldn't love a guy like him... Nayeon wouldn't like how he acts... Nayeon likes someone else...

We were both staring at Jin hyung who just took his eyes off Nayeon recently. It was because Nayeon caught him staring at her and she just smiled at him, but she lowered her head.

Jin hyung scratched his nape and started walking slowly towards the other members. My eyes slowly shifted to Nayeon noona to see what she's gonna do next. She looked as down as Jin hyung was... Does she like him too? But Jimin hyung said that noona already has a crush on someone else.

Wait, Won't Jin hyung be hurt?

Tzuyu's POV

I started staring off and daydreaming once again, my eyes ending up on the most random things. And well, they recently landed on Jungkook whose eyes were also staring right back. He must've thought I was weird... Ah goodness... Stupid Tzuyu!

I checked my watch and it was already noon, shouldn't we be having lunch already? I looked around and everyone seemed to be so busy to even notice the time.

I whispered to Momo unnie and complained to her about my stomach being so hungry already. She said she could relate, of course she could, she's Momo unnie. She looked around and asked the people in the room if they want to go grab lunch.

So we were going to have lunch with Got7 and BTS except for Jin oppa and Jungkook oppa.

Jin oppa said that he'll stay with Jungkook and they'll just eat the lunch that the hospital offers them. I felt somewhat sad when I realised that Jungkook oppa can't actually come. I got too attached to him I guess...

We've only had glances and glimpses of each other but we both know that we're too awkward to talk to each other so we should just keep quiet for our own good, right? But still, just looking at his brown eyes makes me even more attracted.

I just hope that he'll get better soon...

We drove to the restaurant and we figured that all of us can't just fit into one single table, so we decided to split tables. Jackson oppa and Suga oppa said that it's all on them so basically, we're getting lunch for free except for those two...

Again, I am very thankful that we've became closer to BTS over the past few months. Before, we would just look at each other like fools and just bow without even smiling.

I think we kind of got closer over the time because of Got7 and things...


(A/N: I'm experiencing writer's block right now, I'm dyengggg, pls pray for meh and send help... Thnx)

After eating, Jackson oppa and Suga oppa payed for the food. Everyone else waited outside while they payed for things, it's incredible how this place is so hidden. It was not a popular restaurant that's why we even chose it, but it's very good!

On our way back Jimin oppa said that he'll stop by the convinience store since he had to buy some things. I also wanted to buy something so I tagged along with Jimin oppa while everyone else went.

In the store, we were both looking for whatever we needed. Then Jimin oppa suddenly approached me...

JM: Tzuyu, Jungkook is very sick right now...

TY: mhmm...

I said as my fingers tread through the items in the store, Im trying to find banana milk and bandaids.

JM: Tzuyu, has he really not confessed to you yet?

TY: hmm, wai- what?!!!

I coughed, but it felt like I choked. My whole body felt the chills and I was blinking a lot.

TY: Wh-What are y-you talking about?

I stuttered as I talked, not even looking at him.

JM: Aww, come on! Don't tell me you weren't expecting that? So did he?

TY: *scoff* uhm, no...?

JM: Okay, now Tzuyu... Do you like him though? If he does like you, do you like him back?

My fingers stopped moving and I stared at the bandaid that my fingers were laid on. Right...

TY: Ah, bandaid... Here it is!

I picked up the bandaid and slowly walked away, Jimin oppa sighed and ran after me.

JM: Tzuyu, if you like him back, just answer! I won't tell, I'll just tell you something...

I gulped as we slowly walked towards the refrigerator where the drinks were located.

TY: I-I'm not quite sure if I'm ready or sure about anything yet...

JM: It's fine, it's hard to be certain of your feelings right?

TY: hmm... Yeah... I guess....

I picked up a banana milk from the refrigerator and closed it, me and Jimin oppa payed for them.

JM: Okay, just know it when you're sure already. Remember to tell me...

He said as we exited the store.

TY: oppa... How would you know if you are certain about your feelings already?

JM: Hmm... When you see him, I mean Jungkook... Is there something strange you feel inside you?


(A/N: henlo dear ppl, im sorry for the late updates and well, not updating at all. My high school is very busy as of now and I've joined so many clubs. We also have so many projects going on. So I hope you'd be alright with a less frequent updates but of course, I'll still update. Also, high school is really just confusing, you meet all kinds of people, good and bad. I'm not sure if I like my classmates though, but I'll adjust soon. Thank you for waiting for me,

Luv u guys <3)

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