thirty two

981 28 4

Tzuyu's POV

I ran back to the room and leaned against the door with my heart pounding. I was amazed, why's he up so early? And why is he outside?

And suddenly I feel my cheeks burning up and I couldn't speak. Then sudden thoughts entered my mind and lingered in my brain.

Of course he wasn't waiting for me... Was he?
Nah... But maybe... Where are all his other members then? Why was he outside, all alone?

Each minute, just getting more and more confused. I just sat there, with my back against the door, thinking. Then, I had a sudden realization that if I think about him more... I might get too attached.

And we aren't even anything! Well, just friends I guess... I was shaking, because I was flustered. I drank the water in my cup and I kind of choked. I chugged it too quickly because I was rushing, why?

I coughed and coughed lots... Why am I like this?

Tears formed in my eyes as I coughed and coughed. You probably know the feeling of choking on water... Ya know?

I took some paper towels from the roll in the kitchen and wiped myself. Man did that water taste good. I sighed as I went ot Jihyo unnies room to wake her up.

Inside her room, I heard her phone ringing. It was her alarm and her phone was charging. Aish, I already told her not to charge while sleeping! It might explode if she doesn't wake up early enough to unplug it. I dismissed her alarm and to my surprise, her phone was open.

Now I knew that it is bad to snoop on someone's stuff, especially if it's private. But all my unnies would do just that to me, they'd go to my room and look for something but end up having something else, and I'd get in trouble.

Im sorry unnie... I took her phone and unplugged it. I checked the gallery and there were so many pictures of me and her, also the other unnies. I really appreciated that. Everything was arranged by the event when the photo was taken.

Then I saw an album, it said 2019 SMA. It was this recent music award. I looked in and there were so many pictures of the 9 of us. I scrolled further down and there were pictures of BTS. Pictures of when they got drunk, a lot of blurry ones actually.

I scrolled further and further until I saw some photos of Yoongi sunbaenim on the stage. It was zoomed in and I think they looked like sasaeng fan photos... But I think Yoongi sunbaenim would allow her to take such photos, since they seemed close...

Then Jihyo unnie yawned and made sound. I freaked out and quickly put her phone on the night stand beside her bed. I rushed and sat beside her as she lied down on the mattress.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretched her arms and yawned some more.

JH: Oh! Tzuyu-ah...
TY: Hi unnie, I was about to wake you ip but you looked so comfortable...
JH: Uhm, did you turned off my alarm then?
TY: Yeah...
JH: Ugh! What time is it?

Jihyo sleepy asked as she dug her face under her pillow. She wanted to sleep again, but she knows that she can't.

TY: It's still early... Unnie, can you help me wake the others up?
JH: Of course! Just please help me up!

She reached out her arm and I pulled her up. We went to the other rooms and shook the heck out of them. We'll, it was very effective.

Except for Momo Unnie, Jihyo Unnie had to shout and we pulled her around to wake her up. Well, we didn't hurt her really, I think she's probably used to this method of waking up anyways...

Everyone prepared, they all took showers and freshened up. We finally dressed up and finalised our stuff, we checked if we left anything. Now that we were all ready, we just had to wait for JYP PDnim and Itzy and GOT7 to prepare.

Recently, I have been talking to Lia. She is the member in itzy that I am closest to, I'm actually very fond of her, she's cute and just a year younger than me.

After the whole JYP family was ready to go, we were informed that we were gonna have breakfast before we go straight back to the dorm. I think that we might eat with BTS again...

For sure, it is going to be awkward. We got on the van and my unnies were all rambling about something again, as usual. I just kept quiet at my side, staring out the window. I watched as all the other big company vans took off.

A big black van that I think is SM's van, took off followed by loads of other vans. After what seemed to be BigHit's van took off, we took off. Surprisingly, we ended up following the van in front of us which is of course... BigHit's van. :(

Suddenly, our van stopped at a very private area. Just like the restaurants we all ate in the other day. It was a closed off area that looked so fancy, well the glass windows of the restaurant were tinted and I think this is a very appropriate spot for idols to eat in.

We all got off, and as I got off, I suddenly had this queasy feeling in me. I felt nervous, since the van that was supposedly BigHit's, also parked at the restaurant. Oh gosh, we're gonna eat with them again obviously...

I already figured ways in where I can avoid awkwardness and just act normally, especially whenever I'm near Jungkook sunbaenim. But I had a feeling that some might tease us, but i don't think that anyone knew that me and sunbaenim had a walk yesterday... Unless he let his hyungs know, which is of very little chance of course...

(A/N: Hello dear readers, I would like to thank you guys again for the nice comments and the votes. Thank you all! I would also like to ask if my chapters are too short... Should I extend it? I usually make about 1000 words per chapter, if it's too short... Please comment. It would really help the story improve. I also have a lot of ready made chapters already, so if 1000 words is not enough, the next few chapters might be the same length... Anyways, I love you guys! \\(^ㅅ^)=💜

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