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Jungkook's POV

Tzuyu went to the bathroom. She's probably too embarrassed to face this conversation. I was just looking down and covering my face. These hyungs better not screw up...

V: And then we...
JK: Hyung, stop...

I mumbled. I guess Jin Hyung heard it and signalled V Hyung to shut the frick up. Thank you Jin Hyung...

Then Jin Hyung continued the conversation.

J: Hey, when can we order? I'm so hungry~~
MO: Me too!

Then Mr. Jin young Park and Mr. Bang came to our table.

JYP: Hi it seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves!
HitMan: Are you kids friends already?

We all nodded.

JYP: Park Jihyo, where's Chou Tzuyu?
JH: Ah, she went to the bathroom sir...
JYP: Ah, alright then...

I felt a tingling sensation in my body that reached my ears. Causing me to shake a bit. Why is she taking so long?! I want to check if she's alright... She might be crying.... I decided that I should make a move before it's too late...

JK: Hyung, I'll just go to the bathroom...
J: Ah, hurry!

I ran to the bathroom and waited outside. There was a sink outside the bathrooms. And a mirror. I fixed my hair while waiting for Tzuyu and suddenly the door opened. It was Tzuyu.

JK: Ah, annyeonghasaeyeo....

I said as I bowed down. She bowed to me as she headed for her table. I waited for the guy at the mens' bathroom to come out. And he did. It was Soobin.

JK: Ah, Soobin! What are you doing here?
SB: Mr. Bang PDnim asked me to come with him. So I could experience stuff. He took my other Hyung to the last award show. So this time it's my turn...
JK: Ah, alright... Where are you seated?

Soobin seemed red and flustered.

SB: Next to Itzy... With PDnim...
JK: Ah, alright... I'll just walk with you there....

We walked to his table and I then headed to our table. Our food has arrived. Oh sht. They didn't ask me what I wanted... How dare they...

I ate my beef and finished my rice. I then looked at my phone and surfed through instagram. Ah shoot, I'm almost out of load, I've used it all up for data. And.... There... No more.

I stopped staring at my screen and looked up. All my hyungs had their eyes on their phones. But Twice was busy talking. I heard they're not allowed to have phones... But their dating ban has been lifted recently.

They were all talking. Everyone but Tzuyu, she was quiet. Shouldn't her members be worried.

I guess V hyung realized that I was frozen while staring at Tzuyu. He looked at me and elbowed me. He whispered to me...

V: Yah, what do you think you're looking at?!
JK: Ah, nothing hyung... I was just thinking...
V: thinking what... You dirty child!
JK: What the- hyung!
V: I'm just kidding, just kidding, geez...
JK: hmmp...
V: So what are you thinking about?
JK: well...
V: Ah I see... She really is a sight isn't she?
JK: Hyungg!!
V: Ah, sorry... Continue...
JK: Well, you know how her other members are so talkative and busy talking to each other all the time... And she's just there. Staring and smiling...
V: Like you?
JK: Huh?
V: Well, she's really like that. I heard from Sana that Tzuyu is so quiet that her members know her the least. She's kinda mysterious, isn't she?
JK: hmm yeah...
V: Well, she stares off into space. Probably thinking about smart stuff unlike you, thinking about Tzuyu and other stupid things.
JK: Yah!

I guess our whispers was getting kinda noisy and stuff. It caught Tzuyu's attention...

Tzuyu's POV

Tzuyu's brain... (yep.. Smart stuff...)

Hey brain, remember that cat video you watched a while ago? Yeah... Well, what was the name of that cat again? I'd like to watch more... Ahh I think it was Snuggles or something...

I wonder how Gucci's doing... I wonder where my cupcake went. Maybe Nayeon unnie ate it. I WANT AN INKIGAYO SANDWICH. I need one... Hey, BTS seems quiet. My unnies are so fricking noisy.

If I sleep will they leave me? But then Jungkook will see me... Meh... I'll sleep in the van. What would happen if PDnim Park got kidnapped here?

Ah.... My thought bubble is so... Extra... Aside from my unnies' sounds, I heard murmurs. That's how keen my ears are. They are extra special ears as my mum says...

The murmurs were from Taehyung and Jungkook. I turned to them and they were both looking at me. Taehyung's mouth was on Jungkook's ear and Jungkook was just staring at me. I blinked and I guess my blink startled them?

They also blinked and looked away. Jungkook slowly diverted his eyes away from mine and was pretending to look at the wall. Taehyung was back on his screen. Jungkook then closed his eyes and breathed heavily. He turned to Taehyung that was next to him.

Gaash... So awkward. I was taking tiny glances at him and I noticed that he was also doing it. I stopped for a while and concentrated on my drink.

Oh bootiful smoothie. Let me finish you, such delicious...

I was back in my thought bubble. I was stuck. My weird, extra, thought bubble.

Is nayeon unnie gonna marry herself someday? Is this even legal. If it is... I'd like to try. Nah that's too narcissistic... But I really love myself. But like... Ughhhhhhhhhh....

This was out of nowhere... But like... Jungkook entered my thought bubble. Jungkook why are you here?

Why was Jungkoom staring at me a while ago? Did my unnies see that? What kind of--

I was so frustrated. I was too frustrated that I didn't even realize. I didn't even realize that I was staring. Staring at. Staring at Jungkook.

My eyes were getting so dry because I haven't blinked in a long time. I blinked and my eyes were watery. Because of that blink. That blink.


(A/N: what the frick is this chapter?! Ahhhhhh! Gashh!) 🙃

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