Rick Savage #1

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For Novembergirl93

Plot: Brianna asks her father if she's beautiful

Brianna was the daughter of Rick Savage, bassist of the band Def Leppard. She has self esteem issues due to seeing so many beautiful women thanks to her father's job whenever she's on the road with him.

Sav was practicing his bass playing for the song, Love Bites.

"Dad?" Brianna said, to her dad as she walked in.

"What is it Bri?" Sav asked.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Brianna asked

"Of course!!! Your my beautiful 14 year old daughter I wouldnt trade for the world" said Sav.

Brianna smiled and hugged him.

"Love you Dad"

"Love you too Bri"

Note: I picked Love Bites because it's my favorite Def Leppard song.

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