Reb Beach #1

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For blakebug94

Plot: Reb Beach daughter wants to know what his thoughts were the day she was born.

Reb Beach was putting his young daughter, Halston, to bed. When Reb put her in bed and covered her up, Halston suddenly asked him a surprising question.

"Dad?" Halston asked. "Yes baby? What is it?" Reb replied.

"What were your thoughts the day I was born?". The question surprised Reb, he didnt expect his young daughter to ask him that.

"My thoughts the minute you were born? I thought you were beautiful and I couldnt bileve that me and your mother created her" Reb said.

Halston smiled and went to sleep. Reb kissed her on the head and slowly shut the door, he to turning in for the night.

Note: hope this is ok. I dont know anything about Reb Beach either.

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