John Deacon #1

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Plot: Deacon see's Freddie's sister again.

John Deacon was at the store buying some things for the house when he heard a very familiar voice say his name. Or rather the nickname Freddie and the guys had given him. "Deaky?" He heard. He turned to see a familiar woman looking at him holding a basket. She had black wavy hair with dark brown eyes and was wearing a black shirt, blue jean skirt, and sandals. He recognized him immediately.

"Noelle? Is that you?" Deacon said. Noelle smiled and hugged him tightly. "How are you Deaky?! I've missed you so much." She said in a excited tone. Deacon smiled at her. She was the sister of Freddie Mercury, his dear friend and now former bandmate. "I'm good. How are you, May, and Roger doing?" Deacon asked. "We're good. Roger and May are taking a break from the band. You can guess the reason why." She said in a saddened tone. Deacon nodded. "I miss him too." He said. "I know. Is that why you left?" Noelle asked. "Yeah. I couldn't handle it. He was one of my best friends." Deacon said in a saddened tone. It still hurt to talk about Freddie.

"I have to go but do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?" Deacon said. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Pick me up at 7?" She asked. "Yep. See you tonight." He said, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. She smiled at him and left. Deacon smiled watching her walk away. It was nice to see his friends beautiful sister again.

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