Joe Elliot #6

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For desireet1980

Plot: Joe's daughter, Teagan doesnt think she's pretty and the guys here her say that and tell her everything they love about her.

Teagan was standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom. She looked at her small breast, and skinny body. She signed. Teagan was a very pretty girl but she didnt see herself like that. Especially when she saw girls in school with bigger breast and curvier bodies. Teagan had dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. Teagan however thought her hair was flat and boring. The only thing about herself she liked was her eyes.

"How can anyone say I'm beautiful?", She said. She was unaware that her and father and uncles were at the door listening. They were shocked. They couldn't bileve Teagan that so low of herself. They then decided to give her a present.

Steve Clark slips a peice of paper under the door with words from all of them. Teagan walks over to the door and picks up the folded paper. She opens it up and begins to read:

Things we guys love about you:

Steve: Your personality. You are sweet, kind, funny, and smart.

Phil: Your humor. You can always make me laugh. And you never take things to seriously or get too offended easily.

Sav: Your eyes. They're beautiful. Enough said.

Rick: Your hair. It's very pretty.

Joe: Everything. You are the person who means the most to me.

Please dont ever doubt yourself Tegan, your are beautiful and we love you.


Your uncles and dad.

She smiled and opened the door up immediately. Finding all of her uncles and dad behind the door, she immediately ran to hug Joe, the guys joining in.

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