Steve Clark #3

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Steve's daughter Grace is drinking, he visits Sav's dream to have him help Grace not end up like Steve.

Steve Clark looked down at his 16 year old daughter Grace as she drunk bottle after bottle of Jack Daniels. She was growing up too fast. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. Grace had been only 7 when Steve had unexpectedly passed away due to the same thing that could very well take his daughter. Steve decided to take action.

Rick Savage laid in his bed asleep. It had been a long day and he wanted some rest.

Dream Realm (A/N: Low key reference to NOES lol):

Sav walked in a dark place, just looking around at darkness. Suddenly he found a door. He walked through the door only to see clouds, a golden gate, and surprisingly his long since deceased friend and the co-guitarist of Def Leppard, Steve Clark. Steve walked up to the frozen in place Sav and hugged him. Sav hugged back tightly, blinking away tears. He had missed Steve.

Steve pulled back, also blinking tears. "Hey old friend." Steve said. "Steve......I cant bileve it's you. Me and the guys have missed you like crazy." Sav said. Steve smiled. "I see that you're all doing well." Then his face fell. "My little girl Grace.....she's growing up so fast. And now I'm afraid she's gonna fall down the same path I did." Steve said sadly. Sav nodded, having heard about Grace being in some kind of trouble. He and the guys were worried for her. Sav the most because he was her favorite uncle besides Phil.

"I want you to help her." Steve said. Sav looked shock. "How am I gonna do that? We have tried to talk to her. She doesn't listen. She's been like this ever since you died." Sav said. Steve looked down sadly again. "I need you to. Please Sav. I dont wanna see my little girl up here with me when it's not her time. I dont want to see her up here due to the same thing that took me from her life." Steve begged. Sav gave in and nodded. "I promise I'll help her any way I can." Sav promised. Steve smiled and patted Sav on the book. "Looks ike your about to wake up." Steve said. Sav looked down at the ground sadly. "I have to go now. It was nice to see you again old friend. I will wait to see you, Joe, Rick, Phil, and Grace again one day. Tell them I said hi and that i miss them." Sav nodded as Steve disappeared. Sav suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.

Sav cried silently before determination. He was determined to help Grace and to keep his promise to Steve. Sav jumped out of bed, showered, and left. He raced to Grace home that she lived in with her mother but her mother was on vacation right now. Grace had decided not to come with it, leaving here there alone. He walked in with a key he had to the house. "Grace?" He said. "Grace!! It's Sav." Sav said again. No answer both times. He walked nervously up the stairs to her bedroom. He knocked on the door. No answer. Not even a noise.

Sav worried, walked slowly into her room. He signed sadly seeing all the beer bottles in her room. He walked into the bathroom, only to see Grace on the floor unconscious but breathing. "GRACE!!!!" Sav yelled, picking her up and trying to shake her awake. "Please wake up. Please!!!" Sav begged. She stayed unconscious. He immediately called am ambulance who would be there in 5 minutes. He saw the bottles of beer and threw them away. He officially hated achohol.

Soon the ambulance arrived and took her to the nearest hospital. Sav called the guys who agreed to meet up at the hospital. After Sav arrived at the hospital, he ran into the hospital, over to the receptionist. The lady behind the desk told him he'll have to wait until the doctor working on Grace came out. Sav sat and waited impatiently, until a doctor called for him. Sav sat up straight, looking at the doctor. "She'll be fine." The doctor said. Sav signed in relief. "She had overdosed from alot of drinking." The doctor added. "We will keep her overnight, then she can go home Tomarrow. Sav nodded and went to her room. When he arrived, he sat down and held her hand in silence. He heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Sav said.

Joe and the guys walked in. All looking worried. "She had a overdose." Sav said quietly as not to disturb Grace. The guys all looked worried even more. "She's ok. They are keeping her here until tomarrow." Joe and the guys nodded in relief. "Steve said Hi and that he misses you." Sav suddenly said. They looked at him shocked. "What? Sav, Steve is gone." Joe said. "I saw him in my dream when I was asleep. He told me he misses us and Grace and asked me to help Grace." Sav replied. Joe and the guys looked down sadly at the reminder of they're friend. Vivian Campbell looked down sadly too. Even though he had never met Steve, he knew that he meant alot to the others he had come to see as his brothers.

Joe and the guys stayed until visiting time was over. After they said they're goodbyes, they kissed Grace on the head, promising to be back tomarrow. Sav closed the door behind them. He heard a voice behind him. "Uncle Sav?" He heard. He looked back to see Grace waking up. He sped over to her bed and hugged her lightly. "Hey Gracie." Sav said. "What happened?" Grace asked. "You had a overdose." Sav replied. Grace sat in silence. She couldnt bileve she had had an overdose. She realised how close she was to seeing her father. As much as she wanted to see her father again, she wanted it under much better circumstances.

In that moment she promised to better herself and to stop drinking. She apologized in her head to her dad for disappointing him. She could have sworn she heard a voice in her saying it was ok in her father voice but she chopped it up to her mind playing tricks. She looked Sav. "Uncle Sav?" Grace asked. "Yes Gracie?" Sav replied. "I want to get clean." Grace revealed. Sav sat there in shock before he smiled and hugged her tightly.

Up in the sky, in heaven, Steve smiled at the sight. He said "I love you Gracie" before leaving.

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