Eric Brittingham #1

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Plot: Eric meets a fan backstage

The year was 1987. Penelope, Penny for short, was at a Cinderella concert with her friend, Carla. Carla was there to support her boyfriend, the drummer of Cinderella, Fred Coury. Penny had dark brown should length hair that had blond highlights with some bangs. Penny had brown eyes and was wearing a white sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, and white boots.

Carla was a latino woman with dark brown curly hair in a high ponytail. She had dark brown eyes and was wearing an blue tank top, blue jeans, and shoes. Carla blew a kiss towards Fred, making Fred smile and wave.

After the concert, Carla and Penny went backstage. Carla ran into Fred's arms. "I've missed you!!!!" Carla said excitedly and hugged Fred back. "I've missed you too." He replied, making everyone either do a mock gag or roll they're lives. Carla and Fred were so obvious with they're affection but they wouldnt change it. They could tell they really cared for and loved each other.

Carla and Fred pulled back. "Oh!!! Guys this is my friend, Penny. Penny this is Tom, Eric, Jeff, and you already know Fred." The guys greeted Penny and Penny greeted them back. Eric stared at the her. She was gorgeous. Penny noticed Eric staring at her and smiled. 'He's cute.' Penny thought. Eric walked up to Penny while Carla and Fred went to talk with the others. "Hey." Eric said. "Hi." Penny said. "So is Penny short for something or is that really your name." Eric asked. Penny giggled. "My real name is Penelope. I like to go by Penny for short." She said. "I was named after Janet Jackson's character in Good Times." She added. Eric smiled at her.

"Well I like it. Cute name for a cute girl." He said, making Penny blush. "Your not so bad yourself." Penny said, making Eric blush himself. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" Eric asked. "I'll love to." Penny said. Carla walked up to Penny and Eric. "Ready to go." Carla asked. "Actually, Eric asked me to go to dinner with him tonight." Penny said. Carla gasped in excitement. "Really?!!!! That's great. Now Eric, you take care of my best friend. Penny, me and Fred will be back at the hotel. I'll see you later." Carla said in a fast pace.

Penny and Eric laughed as she and Fred ran off, while Jeff and Tom shook they're heads. "Wanna go now?" Eric asked. "Sure. It was nice to meet you Jeff and Tom." She said. Tom and Jeff waved as Eric and Penny left.

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