Joe Elliot #7

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For maylene90

Plot: Joe's wife gives birth on the tour bus with the help of the guys, the name for the kid is Bentley.

May woke up next to her husband, Joe Elliot. She looked at the bedside table and saw that time said 3:00 AM. She signed and slowly sat up, groaning. She got out of bed and patted her heavily pregnant stomach. As she walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, she suddenly felt something wet at her abdomen area. At first she thought she had peed herself only to feel a sharp pain. She immediately knew then what that meant.

She sat down and called for Joe. The guys all stirred, half asleep, only to wake up fully when they heard a sound of pain. Joe was the 1st to jump out of bed. He rushed over to his wife side. "What's wrong honey?! Is it the baby?" He asked. She nodded. "Its coming." She said.

Joe told Rick to call the ambulance. The rest of the guys helped Joe calm May down.

A while later, the ambulance hadn't arrived yet and May knew what she had to do. She cried out in pain and said "I'm gonna have to have the baby here Joe." She said. Joe immediately turned to Sav and said "Go into the bathroom and get some towels."

Sav brought them some towels. Joe went to May side and told her "push baby."

May pushed and pushed until they all heard a baby cry. Joe picked up the baby and turned to May with a smile on his face. May was sweating and panting hard, yet smiling at the sight of her newborn son.

Sav and guys smiled. "What are you gonna name him?" Phil asked. Joe looked at May and then looked at the baby. "Bentley Steve Elliot" he replied, May nodding in agreement. The guys smiled at the name. Steve smiling down from heaven saying "Good job buddy."

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