Axl Rose #1

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Plot: Axl is secretly dating Vince Neil's sister.

Luna Anne Neil is the twin sister of the lead singer of Motley Crue, Vince Neil. She had shoulder length dyed dark blond hair, brown eyes. She was a model much to Vince chagrin. Vince despite being known for his love for strippers, groupies, and partying was very protective of his little sister. He liked to call her his little sister despite them only being 5 minutes apart. She was friends with Nikki, Mick, and Tommy and they were like family for her.

One day she met a redhead who had just made it big with the album, Appetite for Destruction. He was the frontman for the band, Guns N Roses. Luna found him very interesting despite his reputation. She and Axl fell for each other and started dating 3 months after meeting. She was friends with Slash, Steven, Duff, and Izzy. Axl treated her like a queen, having found her beautiful the moment he saw her. Axl already knew she was beautiful due to her modeling but seeing her in person made her even more beautiful in Axl's eyes. They were happy.

Only one problem. Axl and Vince did not get along. The rivalry had started when Izzy had messed with Vince's wife and Luna's sister in law and the mother of Luna's little niece, Sharise. Even though Luna wasn't fond of Sharise and tolerated her because of Vince and Skylar, she understood why Vince was angry. But she also understood why Axl had chosen to get involved after Vince had hit Izzy. Izzy and Axl had grew up together in Indiana after all. The feud had escalated from that to sending out fight challenges, neither of them followed through with them.

That and Vince's overprotectiveness of her was why her relationship with Axl was a secret. She feared for Vince's reaction if he found out the wrong way about them. Luna had decided she had to tell him soon. She and Axl walked towards the Guns N Roses recording studio hand in hand. They stopped at the door. "I'll see you when we get done." Axl said with a smile. Luna kissed his nose and said "ok. Love you." "Love you too." Axl replied before they kissed, neither of them aware of the camera going off.

A few days later, Luna still hadn't told Vince. She hasn't been able to find the right time. Luna was walking home from the store one day, when she saw a headline on the cover of a tabloid magazine called The Enquirer (A/N: Low key shading lol). On the cover was a photo of the kiss her and Axl shared in front of the GnR recording studio. The headline said 'Luna Neil and Axl' Luna felt her heart beat as she read the description.

'Model Luna Neil and Guns N Roses frontman Axl Rose were found to be having a passionate embrace. Interesting to note is that Luna is the twin sister of Motley Crue's frontman Vince Neil, who had a very public feud with Axl'

Luna immediately teared the magazine up. She couldnt bileve her and Axl secret was this to coming out. She went home and hugged him the minute he opened the door. "Whoa. I miss you too but what's wrong?" Axl asked. "Remember when a few days ago when whe were in front of you and the band recording studio? Well, some one saw us together and took a photo. Now Vince and the guys has a chance of finding out." Luna said, letting Axl go. Axl was angry. He was used to the media shitting on him but they had crossed the line with Luna. He immediately thought of an song idea. "Why do you look at me when you hate me? Why should I look at you when you make me hate you too? I sense a smell of retribution in the air. I don't even understand why the fuck you even care. And I don't need your jealousy yeah. Why drag me down in your misery" Axl thought. He took a mental note to write down those lyrics.

He looked at Luna and immediately calmed down. He sat next to her and pulled her into his arms. "It'll be ok." Axl said, rubbing her hair. "We'll make sure to tell him tonight at the party if he doesn't find out before then." Axl promised. Luna layed her head on his shoulder. That night, Axl and Luna got ready for the party. Luna was wearing a black off the shoulder tank top with long sleeves, black pants, and high heels. Her hair was curled and appeared to be above her shoulders instead of past them. She jaz on light makeup and red lipstick She looked like a very familiar actress to Axl but beautiful all around.

(A/N: Can anyone guess the movie?)

Axl was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and shoes with his signature red headband. As they arrived at the party, they ended up separating. Axl was with his bandmates while Luna was with Motley Crue. "Hey sis. You look good." Vince said. "Hey yourself bro." Luna said, hugging Vince. Luna then hugged Nikki, Mick, and Tommy as well. The party continued until Luna met back up with Axl. "You ready?" Axl asked. Luna nodded nervously. Axl kissed her to reassure her. They were again unaware of the angry brown eyes of Vince Neil had seen them. Vince stormed over to Axl and Luna. Vince grabbed Axl and punched him in the face, making Luna scream. Vince and Axl begin to fight. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU BASTARD!!!!" Vince yelled as he sat on top of Axl punching him. Axl defended him. "I FUCKING LOVE HER!!!" Axl yelled back. "VINCE!!!!! STOP!!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!! DON'T HURT HIM!!!!" Luna screamed, scared for her life and worried about Axl.

Motley Crue and Guns N Roses jumped to separate them. Nikki, Mick, and Tommy held back Vince while Izzy, Slash, Steven, and Duff held back Axl. Guns N Roses dragged a yelling Axl out of the room and into room, Motley Crue making sure they weren't being followed by Vince trying to get back at Axl. Vince snatched himself away from the guys. He looked at Luna. "What the hell was that?!!!! Vince asked. "Why were you kissing him?" Vince asked again. "Explain yourself." Vince demanded.

Luna looked at him. "He's my boyfriend" Luna revealed. Vince looked at her in shock and hurt. "You didnt think to tell me you were with him? How could you?!!!!! You know how much I hate him!!!!" Vince yelled. Nikki, Tommy, and Mick stayed in silence. Vince immediately turned away from Luna. "I'm with Vince on this one. Axl is no good for you. He'll only use you until your no use for him anymore." Nikki said. "What, like you, Tommy, and Vince do with women all the time?" Luna asked. Nikki went to reply before Mick stopped him. Tommy however wasnt on Vince and Nikki side. "She's right. She's a grown woman. She can date who ever she wants." Tommy said, leaving it at that. Mick chose to stay quiet. Vince looked at Luna. "Its either me or him. Pick." Vince said. Luna and the guys looked shocked. "You cant do that. You can't make me choose. It's not fair." Luna said angrily and hurt. "Yea well neither is hiding from me that you were dating Axl fucking Rose!!!!" Vince said raising his voice. "Did you ever stop to think maybe this is why I didnt want to tell you!!!! I love him damnit!!" Luna said raising her voice also.

Luna stormed out of the room, tears running down her face. Vince stormed away as well. Tommy and Nikki following him. Mick however, chose to look for Luna. He found her outside, hugging herself and crying. Mick feeling horrible for her, decided to help her. Mick went over to the room Guns N Roses were and knocked on the door. The person to answer the door was Slash. Slash, seeing it was Mick let him in. He knew he could trust him. Mick looked at Axl. "Axl, can you come with me. I wanna take you to see Luna." Mick asked.

Axl looked at him suspiciously. "She's upset and hurt. Vince tried to make her chose between you and him." Mick said. Axl agreed to follow Mick. Mick opened the door, still seeing Luna outside crying. "Luna, Axl is here." Mick said. Luna looked up and immediately hugged Axl. Mick chose to give them some privacy. "He hates me." Luna said crying. "He doesn't hate you. He's probably feeling betrayed and doesnt know how to handle it." Axl assured her. They stayed like that a while.

Mick walked over to the room Vince, Nikki, and Tommy were. Mick walked over to Vince and smacked him across the head. "What the hell was that for you prick?!!!" Vince yelled. "That was for making Luna cry and think you hate her. You know, just because your ego is bruised doesnt give you the right to make her chose between her brother and the man she loves." Mick said angrily before sitting and getting a beer.

Vince looked at Mick shocked before going to find Luna. He sees her with Axl. "LUNA!!" Vince yells. He runs and hugs Luna in a tight hug. Luna looked surprised. "I'm so sorry. I was a asshole. I should respect your decision." Vince said in near tears. Luna hugs him tightly not saying anything. Vince pulls away after a while. He turns to Axl. "You hurt her and the police wont find your body." Vince said before offering him his hand in truce. Axl looked at him. "I love her." Axl said, before accepting Vince's hand. Both of them unaware of Nikki and Duff taking photos of it.

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