David Coverdale #1

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For Summergirl1993

Plot: David Coverdale brings his daughter, Maureen up on stage with him during a Whitesnake concert.

Whitesnake had just finished they're concert and the crowd was cheering.

"Thank you so much everyone for a wonderful time" David says out of breath.

The crowd cheers and he smiles. "Before I leave I'll like to bring my darling daughter Maureen out" David says. Steve Vai walks backstage and brings Maureen out and brings her to David.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Maureen. Say hello Maureen" David tells his daughter as she waves. Maureen yawns and falls asleep on his shoulder.

David smiles and laughs "she always falls asleep when I talk"

David waves the crowd goodbye as the concert ends and he puts Maureen to bed on the tour bus.

Note: here is the David Coverdale one I said I'll do. So sorry it took so long. I will be working on the Rick Allen one, that one is gonna take a bit longer.

 I will be working on the Rick Allen one, that one is gonna take a bit longer

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