Nikki Sixx #4

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Nikki watches his daughter Josie walk across the stage, remembering her birth and her growing up.

Nikki Sixx sat at his 18 year old daughter's high school graduation with Decker, Storm, and Gunner. Memories of her birth and her childhood flashed through his mind. Josie Kate Sixx was born May 25th, 1990, a year after Nikki and his now ex wife Brandi Brandt had gotten married.

Flashback: Josie's birth.

Nikki rushed into the hospital and into Brandi room. He walked in to find Brandi asleep. He went into the baby ward and smiled seeing his baby girl. He walked over to her and picked her up gently. Baby Josie opened up her green eyes and giggled at the sight of her father. Nikki kisses her forehead. "I promise I'll always be there for you." He said. After Josie fell back asleep, he gently put her down and walked back to Brandi room.

Flashback End:

Nikki recalled when Josie growing up. Josie always rushing to hug him and her uncle Tommy. Her always begging for Tommy to come back to the band after Tommy left. Her making Vince promise he and Nikki would stop fighting. Her choosing to stay with Nikki after him and Brandi divorced. Her first day of school. Her first prom. Her first boyfriend. Both of which, he made sure to question both of the boys. Her first heartbreak. Her begging Mick to teach her guitar. He smiled at the memories.

Nikki was taken from his mind when he heard "Josie Sixx" and cheers from the crowd. Nikki watched in pride as she accepted her diploma in her silver gown with gold tassel. Underneath was a white dress with flowers. Her brown hair was long and poofy. After the graduation, Josie walked over to Nikki. Decker, Storm, and Gunner smiled and hugged they're sister. Nikki snatched her up into his arm in a tight hug, slight tears in his eyes. "Congrats baby girl." He said. Josie smiled and said "thank you. Now stop being so emotional and let's go party." Making everyone laugh. Josie was again snatched up in a hug but not from Nikki. From her uncles Tommy, Vince, and Mick. She screamed and jumped into Tommy's arms making everyone laugh. Tommy always was her favorite uncle.

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