Slash #1

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Plot: Slash's girlfriend thinks he's cheating

Mila Lee sat in her and Slash's home on the couch. She was crying and upset. "How could he do this to me." Mila thought. She had gotten a mysterious package today from an unknown address. The package was a orange-brown envelope held closed by clips. On the front it said 'Read Me'.

Mila was heartbroken to find pictures and pictures of Slash kissing a woman on the cheek with his hands on her waist. The girl he was being extra affectionate with was a blond with long hair and nice breast size. She was wearing a black tank top with the Guns N Roses logo, black leather pants, high heeled boots, and dark red lipstick.

Mila felt inferior to her. Mila didnt find her-self to be pretty despite how many times Slash said she was beautiful. Mila had dark brown poofy hair, brown eyes, and C-Cup breast. She was the sister of the drummer of Motley Crue, Tommy Lee. Unlike her sister, Athena, she wasn't a drummer but had been taught how to play bass by both Nikki Sixx and Duff McKagan. Mila heard the door open and Slash's voice. Slash walked into the room. "Hi Mimi....what's wrong?" Slash said, immediately worried after seeing his Mila crying and upset. He ran over to the couch and held her while she cried.

"What's wrong?" Slash asked worried. "Is it Tommy? Athena?" Slash asked. Mila shook her head. "Your parents?" Mila shook her head again. Slash looked at the envelope on the table with the pictures on top. Slash turned to Mila. "Who sent this?" Slash asked. Mila shrugged. Slash teared the photos up. "I'm not cheating on you if that's what your thinking." Slash said softly. "Who is she then?" Mila asked. "She's the new girlfriend of Izzy." Slash said. He showed her a photo of the girl and Izzy looking real comfortable and close and another of them kissing.

"She's just a friend. I couldnt and wouldn't do that to you or Izzy." Slash explained. Mila sat there, feeling stupid. Slash picked her head up and looked into her eyes. "I love you Mimi. I could never hurt you like that." Slash confessed. Mila closed her eyes and kissed him. After a while, they pulled away. "I love you too." Mila said. Her and Slash shared another kiss, both happy.

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