Rick Savage #7

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For Christmasgirl92

Plot: Rick Savage daughter, Heaven, goes into labor while he cheers her on. Later on, Sav visits her at the hospital to meet his granddaughter, Abigail Kaylee.

Heaven Savage was in the hospital. She was getting ready to give birth but she didnt know if she could do it. She holds onto her husband's hand as he calls her father, Sav, through video chat.

Sav answers the video chat. "Hey baby girl" Sav says.

"Sav, Heaven is going into labor" her husband says. Heaven screams as a contraction comes. Sav winces and says "is she ok?"

Her husband replies "yea, just a contraction", Sav asks him to give her the phone.

Sav says "Heaven sweetie, I know you can do it. Please stay safe and I'll be there later on to see my granddaughter. I love you"

Heaven smiles and nods, wincing as another contraction comes.

4 Hours Later, Abigail Kaylee was born. Sav walks into the room while the new parents are holding her. Heaven smiles and says "her name is Abigail Kaylee"

Sav smiles and walks over. When he see's his granddaughter, he smiles wider as a few tears run down his face. He carefully picks her up from his daughter's arms. "Hey Abby Kay" he says cooing over his granddaughter as she just looks at him and laughs. He hands her back to Heaven. "She's beautiful just like you, I knew you could do it", Heaven smiles as Sav hugs her, kisses her head as she goes to sleep. Sav shaking her husband hand as well.

Note: here you go. Hope this is ok.

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