Mick Mars #3

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Mick's daughter comes to visit and meets the Terror Twins. For Starlyn2003

Mick Mars sat at the airport, waiting for his daughter, Raven. Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, and Mick Mars were with him. "Where is this chick at?" Vince said getting impatient. "She'll be here soon. You three just control yourselves. ESPECIALLY you too." Mick said, looking at Tommy and Nikki at the last part. Tommy poked his tongue out and Nikki flipped Mick off. "What is taking her so fucking long?!!" Vince complained, once again. "I said she'll be here. Now keep on complaining and I'll kick your ass all over this airport." Mick threatened.

Vince immediately shut up, making Tommy and Nikki laugh. "That was rude, Dad." They heard from behind him. They saw a woman with long red curly hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. She looked to have a Mötley Crüe tattoo on her arm. Vince, Tommy, and Nikki checked her out. "Keep your eyes to yourself." Mick told them. He scooped the lady up in his arms. "Hey baby girl" he said, making her laugh. "This is my daughter, Raven. Raven, this is the three idiots I tour with." Mick said. Raven laughed. "Nice to meet you guys." She said.

"Nice to make your acquaintance." Nikki told her before he and Tommy took both of her hands and kiss them, making Mick glare at them. Raven blushed. She always did like the Terror Twins. Vince greeted her next. "Nice to meet you, Raven. I never complained once about your arrival." Vince said in an flirty tone. The Terror Twins and Mick rolled their eyes. "Bullshit. You kept on complaining until Mick threatened to kick your ass." Nikki said. Vince pouted.

Raven laughed even more. These three were hilarious. Later on, Motley Crue sat in they're apartment. Raven sat next to Nikki and Tommy. Vince had went out to party. Mick went with him to watch over so that Vince doesn't so something TOO stupid. Nikki and Tommy were joking around with Raven. They liked her. She was not only hot but funny as well. "Wanna party with me and Tommy one day?" Nikki said. "I doubt Dad would let me." Raven said. "How old are you?" Nikkk said. "18. I'm turning 19 in a few months." Raven replied. "Your of adult age. He can't control you life." Nikki said.

"He let's me do my own thing. He just dont want me to get into you guys life style." Raven said. "Guess that's understandable." Nikki said, shrugging his shoulders. Nikki groaned as Tommy jumped on him. "Stop flirting with Baby Mars." Tommy said. Nikki glared at him. Raven laughed st Tommy's cuteness. He was like a overgrown child. "I wasn't flirting." Nikki said. "Mick wouldn't like that." Tommy said. "Did I suddenly start caring?" Nikki said. "Besides, you are more a baby then she is." Nikki added.

Tommy pouted, making them both laugh. "You are just about the cutest thing I have ever seen." Raven said, pinching Tommy's cheek. Nikki looked on in slight jealously. "Awww, see Nikki she thinks I'm cuter then you." Tommy teased Nikki. Nikki growled. "Your cute but Nikki's the main reason you have a shit ton of fangirls." Raven said. Tommy pouted again, while Nikki gloated.

Raven laughed as Tommy and Nikki began to play fight. They were like brothers she could see that right now. Vince and Mick came back later on, Vince drunk out of his mind and Mick holding him up. They both saw Raven sleeping with the couch. Nikki was laying on Tommy's shoulder. Tommy laid on Raven's lap. Mick signed. He was going to be stuck with 4 children now.

Note: Request are officially back on.

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