Nikki x Vince (Mötley Crüe) #1

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Plot: Vince reveals his feelings towards Nikki after Nikki breaks up with his girlfriend. Idea given to me by starlyn2003

"We're over Jodi!!!!!! Go find someone else who'll let you whore yourself around!! Nikki Sixx yelled, walking out of his house. Nikki had just caught his girlfriend of one year, Jodi, cheating on him. Jodi had long blond hair and brown eyes. They had met when Nikki had went to a strip club with his band, Mötley Crüe. She had been a stripper there.

"I should have known." Nikki said. "Fucking bitch is a stripper after all." He added in. He continued to walk. He saw his bandmate and frontman, Vince Neil house. Usually he would want to go drink and maybe a girl to screw, but once he saw Vince's house he changed his mind. He was the only one he could really go too. Tommy was visiting his parents and had "forced" Mick to go with him. Well Mick had said he was forced to but Nikki suspected he was just saying that to hide his affection for Tommy.

(A/N: Yes I had to have a hint of Tommy and Mick lol)

And as much as Nikki didn't want to admit it, he had a soft spot for Vince. Sure people thought him and Tommy had something going on but Tommy was like a brother to him and Tommy had a major thing for Mick. The only one to know about Nikki's feelings for Vince was Tommy. Nikki didn't think Vince was gay or even bi so he when he met Jodi, he begin to date her. Nikki got on Vince's porch and knocked on the door, hoping he wasn't already asleep or passed out drunk or something.

Vince opened the door. "Nikki? What are you doing here?" Vince asked surprised. "I broke up with Jodi. The bitch was cheating on me." Nikki said walking into Vince's house. "Seriously? That's fucked up." Vince said in a slightly happy tone. Vince had a major soft spot and thing for Nikki but he thought Nikki was completely straight. So Vince watched feeling jealous whenever Jodi was hugged up on Nikki. It didn't help that Vince didn't trust her. He knew that she was with Nikki for his money.

"Want a drink?" Vince asked. "Hell yeah." Nikki said. Vince got him and Nikki bottles of beer from the kitchen. "How did you find out." Vince asked. "I went out drinking and when I got back she and some guy was having sex in the bed me and her slept in. I kicked the guy out and after a argument, I broke up with her." Nikki said still feeling a bit pissed off but had calmed down once he was with Vince. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten with her. She's a stripper for fucks sake." Nikki said. "Don't blame yourself. She was the one who doesnt realize how lucky she is." Vince said.

"Your a good guy underneath all of multiple amounts of shit. You didn't deserve that." Vince added. "When did you get mushy?" Nikki asked. "Huh, I don't know." Vince said and laughed with Nikki. After they're fit of laughter was done, Nikki and Vince stared at each other. Green meeting brown. (A/N: I have no clue what color eyes Vince has)

Vince was shocked when Nikki smashed his lips onto his. So shocked that he could not even kiss back. Just when Vince was about to kiss back, Nikki pulled back. "I shouldn't have done that." Nikki said. "I liked it." Vince said. Nikki looked what him surprised. "I thought you were straight." Nikki said. "I am. But I've liked you since Too Fast For Love." Vince said. "I like you too. I just didn't think you'll be interested so I ended up dating Jodi." Nikki said. "Guess we should have told each other this a long time ago." Vince said with a laugh.

"So what do we do now?" Vince asked. "Let's take this one slow." Nikki said. "Good idea." Vince said. The night ended with Vince and Nikki drinking, listening to music, making out, and eventually falling sleep together.

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