Phil Collen #2

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For maylene90

Plot: Phil's wife, Nichole, is shopping with Sav when she goes into labor. Phil is unable to make it so he asks Sav to be there with her when she gives birth.

Phil Collen's wife Nichole was shopping with Rick Savage in the mall. As she was walking out of a store with Sav, Sav willingly carrying her shopping bags. As they were walking to the car and getting it, she suddenly feels a wet spot underneath her stomach, thinking she wet her pants for a minute, she was shocked by a pain in her abdomen. Realizing what happened, she yelled at Sav "Sav? I think my water just broke!!!"

Sav panicking, calls Phil. "Hey Phil, Nichole water broke!!!! What should I do????"

Phil was shocked and panicking himself but managed to calm down enough to give Sav instructions.

"Sav, I need you to calm down for me." He says. Sav breaths in and out slowly, wincing has Nichole gave a cry of pain.

Phil winces as well. "I cant be there for the delivery, so I need you to be there right now until I arrive." He says to Sav. Sav nodded and said ok, handing the phone to Nichole.

"Nichole honey, I need you to remember your classes and breath in and out." He says to Nichole. Nichole nods and begins to breath in and out. Phil tells you "I love you." Nichole smiles through her pain and says "I love you too honey."

Phil hangs up and Sav races Nichole to the hospital. A nurse immediately comes out and races Nichole to the delivery room.

(A/N: I know nothing about birth and I dont know if anyone wants a detailed birth so I'll skip to when Phil arrives)

5 hours later, Phil arrives at the hospital. He talks to the nurse who let's him know Nichole's room number. As he opens the door, he smiles seeing his wife asleep with they're daughter in Sav's arms, Oakleigh Claire. As he walks over to the bed Sav quietly, he takes his newborn daughter from him. He coos and talks to her, causing Nichole to wake up and smile seeing the sight. Phil smiles seeing Nichole awake and kisses her head, as she goes back to sleep after giving a kiss to Oak's head.

Note: Hope you enjoyed this.

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