Tom x Eric (Cinderella) #1

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Plot: Tom meets Eric on the first day of school.

Tom Keifer stood in front of the school, feeling nervous. He was at a new school away from his friends back home, his dad had gotten a new job, which meant he had to leave his friends behind, including his best friend, Sebastian Bach. (A/N: Had to do it) Tom decided to sit at a table until the bell rang. He saw a pretty blond man sit on the lap of a man with black hair. They look to be the same height. At the same table was two other men. One had curly hair. The other had puffy hair.

The two men were making out. The blond man looked at him and smiled. "Hey, your new aren't you?" He said. "Um, yea. I'm Tom." Tom said. The blond man nodded. "My name is Vince. This is Mick, Tommy, and Nikki." Vince said, introducing each member. They all greeted Tom and invited him to sit with them. Tom sat down and talked to them for a while. "Hey Tom. Your being stared at." Nikki said.

Tom turned around. He saw a man with long blond hair that was pretty spiky sitting with two men with black hair. One had hair similar to Tommy. The other had really big hair. Tom blushed. The blond man was cute. "That's Eric Brittingham." Vince said. "Who's he?" Tom asked. "Don't know much about him except he's friends with Fred Coury and Jeff Labar. I think they're teying to be band, but haven't found a lead singer yet." Vince replied. "And he's staring at you again." Tommy said.

Eric looked away when Tom looked at him again and blushed. He was gorgeous. Long black hair, gorgeous eyes, pouty lips along with black clothing. He saw him sitting at the table with Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, and Tommy Lee. "Dude, stop staring." He heard Jeff say. "I'm not staring." Eric denied. "You totally are." Fred said, making Eric groan. "He's gorgeous. And he looks new." Eric said. "I think he is. I'll ask Vince what his name is." Jeff said.

"I'm a guitar player and singer." Tom told Vince. "Really? Maybe you could join their band. You'll fit right in." Vince said, making the others nod. "Maybe I will." Tom said. The school bell rang. "Time to go." Mick said. "It was nice meeting you Tom." Vince, Nikki, and Tommy said before leaving. Tom got up and was about to leave, when he heard someone behind him. Tom was in line about to get lunch. "Hey your name is Tom right" He heard behind him. He turned to see Eric Brittingham behind him. "Um, yea. Tom Keifer." Tom said, looking really confused. Eric thought it was adorable.

"My name is Eric Brittingham. Vince said that your a guitar player and singer?" Eric asked. "Yea." Tom said. "Good. Do you want to try out for a band? We could really use a lead singer." Eric said. "Sure. I'll see you after school?" Tom asked. "See you after school." Eric said. He turned to leave before turning back around. "By the way, I think your really cute." Eric said and walked away. Tom blushed. Tom went to find a table. "Do you wanna sit with us." He heard Vince ask. "Yea." Tom said with a smile.

After a few months in the new school, Tom had made many friends and joined Eric, Jeff, and Fred band. He walked towards his locker. "Hey Gypsy Boy." He heard Eric say. Tom laughed and hugged Eric, kissing Eric.

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