Sebaxl (Sebastian and Axl) #1

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Plot: Axl is jealous of the attention Sebastian gets

Axl Rose glared at the sight in front of him. Duff, Steven, Izzy, and Slash were talking by him. Axl took a sip of his beer bottle as he glared even more across the room.

His friend, Sebastian Bach, was sitting at a table filled with a bunch of groupies. All of them obviously flirting with him. Axl gave a growl when he saw a big breasted beach blond touch Sebastian's long hair. 'How are that bitch touch his hair.' Axl thought. Duff nudged him with his elbow. "Stop glaring so hard." Duff said. Axl glared at Duff and stayed quiet. "Why don't you just go over there and talk to him? You obviously like him, considering your death glares." Duff said.

"He's straight as an arrow and I refuse to embarrass myself by telling him how I feel about him only for him to turn me down." Axl said. "Even if he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen." Axl added. "Aw." Duff said. Axl shook his head. "Don't look now but your boy is coming over here." Slash said. "What?" Axl asked and looked up. Seb was indeed coming over towards him.

"We'll give you some privacy." Duff said, as he and the guys left. "Don't you dare you asshole!!" Axl hissed. "Hey Axl, why you looking so down." He heard a high pitched voice say. He turned to see Sebastian look at him curiously and Axl groaned a little inside, Seb looked adorable like that. "I'm not looking down." Axl denied. "Yes you are. Come on, what's wrong? You can talk to me can't you." Seb begged. "Bileve me, I want to but it involves you so I can't." Axl said before realizing what he had said. "I knew it!!!!" Seb suddenly said. "Knew what?" Axl asked.

"You like me!!!" Seb said excitedly. "No shit I like you, your one of my best friends even if you hang around the pretty princess from Motley Crue." Axl said. "No I mean like like." Seb said. Axl looked at him in shock. "Your probably wondering how I knew. That pretty princess as you called him told me. Combine that with your death glares just now and it's kinda obvious." Seb said. Axl groaned. He couldn't bileve VINCE NEIL, of all people knew his secret. "Yay. Let me guess your gonna turn me down because your not straight and much prefer a puss-" Axl's rant was interrupted by lips on his. His eyes widened when he realized Seb had actually kissed him.

Just when Axl's eyes were about to close, Seb pulled back. "I was gonna say I like you to." He said. Axl blinked before he grabbed Seb and begin to pull him towards the door. "Where are we going?" Seb asked. "Somewhere private." Axl replied. Nobody heard a peak from them until the morning.

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