Nikki Sixx #6

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Nikki's wife Jaleigh surprises him on tour and treats him special.

Motley Crue had officially had they're last show. They had ended the show with the song from the Theater of Pain album, Home Sweet Home. As they walked back-stage, tired and sweating. They smiled and hugged each other. Suddenly Nikki heard a voice behind him. He turned around to see his wife Jayleigh behind him. She ran into his arms, making the guys laugh as they gave the couple privacy. "That was amazing!!" Jay said. She and Nikki kissed.

"When did you get here? I thought you couldnt come." Nikki said, pulling away. "I wanted to surprise you. I still have more surprises." She said. Nikki smiled and said. "Ok. Just let me shower and change." He said, making Jay give a slight smirk. "Stop thinking dirty thoughts." Nikki said with a smirk. She kissed him again and agreed to wait.

(A/N: I be low key thought of something dirty concerning Nikki and showers)

Jayleigh was a 27 year old woman with long blond hair with blue highlights. She had brown eyes. She was wearing a Motley Crue tank top, blue jeans, and mini boots. She had black nail polish on her nails. She had on light blue makeup with lip gloss. Nikki felt lucky to have her. She was sweet, caring, hot, supported him, was always there for him and his children from previous marriages. She never pushed him. She let him be himself. Nikki walked out of the dressing room, freshly showered and clothed. He was wearing a black shirt, dark jeans with a chain attached, and boots. Jay smiled as she looked at her 57 year old but still extremely hot husband. She adored him and his children. He was sweet, caring, talented, never judged her, accepted her for who she was, and let her be herself. They left the venue after saying goodbye to Vince, Tommy, and Mick who were with they're wives: Lia, Brittany (A/N: I know they weren't married at the time), and Serafina.

They walked over to Nikki's tour bus. They sat down at one of the couches with tables. On the tables were food with wine & candles. Nikki smiled at the sight. They sat down to eat. After a while of conversation, Nikki asked, "Anymore suprises." Jay smiled and nodded. She pulled something out of her pocket wrapped in a napkin. She handed it to Nikki. Nikki curiously opened the napkin, only to see a pregnancy test. He looked at Jay. Jay looked at him. "Are you pregnant?" Nikki asked. Jay nodded and said, "I'm pregnant."

(A/N: If Nikki can have a kid at 60, he'll be just fine for 57)

Nikki immediately got up from his seat and pulled Jay up, hugging her tightly. "I'm gonna have another kid. Just wait until the guys here about this." Nikki said happily. Jay laughed and kissed him.

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