Vince x Mick (Mötley Crüe) #1

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Plot: Mick seeks help from Vince after a fight with The Thing.

Vince Neil awoke to a knock at his door. He groaned and sat up. "Who the hell is that at this time of night." Vince said in a irritated tone. He hated to be woken up. He walked towards the door. He opened the door up prepared to yell at the person behind it before he noticed the person behind it was his lead guitarist and bandmate.

Mick Mars was behind the door. Mick was holding a suitcase and he had bruises on his face. Vince signed and calmed down. He couldn't find it in himself to yell at Mick. Not only because Mick was in trouble but because he had a soft spot for him. Mick was one of his best friends, one he had feelings for. Something both Tommy and Nikki knew.

"I need a place to stay and your place is the closest." Mick said. "Come in." Vince said stepping aside. Mick walked into the house and Vince closed the door. "Why do you have a suit case? What happened to your face?" Vince asked. "The Thing happened. She hit me. And I left. I won't stay with her." Mick said and sat down the couch. "Fuck." He said in slight pain. Vince immediately put a pillow behind him for him to lean back. "That bitch. I should hit her for the way she treats you." Vince said in anger.

Mick shook his head. "Don't. I dont care if she's a woman but I don't want to have to bail you out of jail. Pretty sure Tommy and Nikki don't neither." Mick said. Vince sat down next to him. "Is it over between you two?" Vince asked. "Yea. I left and I'm not going back. She'll probably end up evicted once Nikki finds out anyway." Mick said, making Vince laugh and Mick to give a small smile at hearing him laugh.

"Thanks for letting me stay." Mick said. "Anything. Your one of my best friends. Me and the guys care, even if we dont show it alot." Vince said. Mick nodded and laid his head back on the couch and soon, Mick fell asleep. Vince played with Mick's hair and kissed him on the head. "I love you." Vince said and fell asleep on Mick's lap.

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