Mick Mars #4

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Plot: Mick's girlfriend cheats on him and feels guilty.

Liliana Neil sat on the couch crying. She couldn't bileve what she had done. 'How could I do that to him?' she thought. She had made the absolute worst mistake of her life. After a fight with Mick, she had left to go to a bar. By the end of the night, she ended up drunk and in bed with a stranger. When she woke up in the morning and did not recognize the room, she panicked. She hoped to God, she hadn't done anything with anyone. Her worst fears were realized when she saw that a man was in the bed with her, and they were both naked. Liliana immediately got dressed and walked home to see that Mick wasn't there.

Now here she was, crying out in both regret and fear. Regret for the way she had treated the person she had promised she would never hurt, knowing full well how he was treated in the past by other women. Fear because of his reaction. She knew that he was going to be hurt and mad and she had no one to blame but herself. She heard the door open. "Liliana." She heard Mick say in a surprised tone. "Were you crying?" Mick asked. No answer. "What's wrong, Lil, why were you crying?" He asked in a worried tone. He brought her head up.

"I have to tell you something." Lilana said. "What is it?" Mick asked. "I.....I cheated on you." Lilana revealed. Mick pulled away in shock and hurt. "W-what?" He asked. "After that fight we had, I went to a bar to cool down. I had to much to drink and ended up sleeping with someone. When I woke up I immediately left. I'm so sorry Mick." Liliana said in tears. "How could you do that to me." Mick asked. "You promised you would never do that to me." He said in near tears. "I know and that's why I'm leaving. You deserve better then that." Lilana said and got up.

Mick sat on the couch while she packed. When she came downstairs, she put the bags by the door. She walked over to Mick. "Please, take care of yourself and find a girl who will treat you right. I promised you I would never hurt you and I broke it. I have to go." Liliana said, before she kissed Mick on the lips. She grabbed her bags and left in tears. She didn't wanna leave but she would rather leave then to stay and hurt him even more then she had. Mick sat on the couch and cried.

(A/N: I broke my own heart with that last part)

9 Months Later:
It had been nine months since Lilana and Mick had broken up. Mick had forgiven her a long time ago and now wished he could find her but she had pretty much dropped off the end of the earth. It had taken a long while for Liliana to get over the break up, especially when her brother, Vince, always tried to convince her to go back to Mick. Liliana walked up to Mick's house feeling nervous. She took a deep breathe and rang the doorbell. She turned around and looked at the familiar sites. She heard the door opening behind her. "Lil? Is that you?" She heard Mick say. She turned around. "Hey Mick." She said softly. Mick immediately hugged her.

"I missed you so much. I tried to find you but couldn't." Mick said. "I wanted to come back so many times but I was too scared, Vince kept on saying I needed to see you again and he finally managed to make me summon the courage." Liliana said, while she hugged him tightly. "Please tell me you will take me back." Liliana said. "I forgave you a long time ago. Of course I'll take you back. As hurt as I was, you made a mistake and owned up to it. That's more then I can say to those other women." Mick said and kissed her. Liliana kissed back. He picked her up and carried her inside, making sure the door was closed.

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