Vince Neil #5

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Plot: Vince gets a date with Tommy's best friend at Tommy and Heather Locklear wedding

March 10th, 1986:

Talia sat down in a chair at a table looking at her best friend, Tommy and Heather Locklear dance and smiled. She was glad that Tommy had found someone good for him. Heather was sweet. She just hoped that Tommy wouldn't mess this one up. Heather could very much be the one who got away.

Talia had shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a blue off the shoulder floor length dress with black high heeles shoes. She looked over at Nikki, knowing he was either high or drunk. She could see Mick just sitting down drinking some vodka. She couldn't see where Vince was however. Probably found a woman to entertain him. She signed. She had a huge crush on Vince but she didn't dare reveal that. Vince wasn't very good when it came to women. Tommy had warned her about that.

She heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Hey." The person said. Talia turned around to see Vince. She blushed and smiled. "Hey Vince." Talia said. Vince and Talia looked at the happy couple. "They look pretty good together." Vince said. "Yeah, they do. She's sweet." Talia said. Vince noticed people were joining the couple on the dance floor. "Wanna dance?" Vince asked. "Sure." Talia said. Vince took her hand and walked her to the floor. Talia noticed that Nikki and Mick were dancing with Heather's bridesmaids. She giggled seeing Nikki flirt with a woman who looked like she wanted to slap him.

"Would you find it weird that I've wanted to ask you on a date since we met?" Vince suddenly asked. "Really? Why didn't you." Talia asked. "I'm not exactly used to dating a woman I want more with then just sex." Vince said. "Would it be weird I've liked you since we met?" Talia asked. Vince smiled at her and brought her closer, her arms around his and his around her waist.

Heather smiled noticing Vince and Talia closeness.

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