Terror Twins (Motley Crue) #1

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For DefLeppardGirl97

Plot: Tommy and Nikki end up having a drunken night together, forgetting that Mick and Vince can hear everything. My first boyxboy chapter.


Tommy and Nikki walked into the hotel room they were sharing with Vince and Mick drunk and high. They opened the door and stumbled in, falling onto the floor and laughing. The room was big but only had 2 beds so Tommy and Nikki decided to share one bed and Mick and Vince shared the other. Mick and Vince laid in bed asleep.

Tommy and Nikki laid down on they're bed. Tommy on his back and Nikki on Tommy's stomach. Tommy played with Nikki's hair. They weren't together but they were curious about it. They had never been with men before. Tommy was so drunk he worked up the courage to bring up the topic. "Hey Nik-Nok?" Tommy said. Nikki picked his head up. "Yea T-Bone?" Nikki replied. "Have you ever been with a guy before?" Tommy asked. Nikki looked at him surprised.

"No. I am curious though." Nikki said. Tommy now was the one surprised. "Really? Is there anyone you have in mind?" Tommy asked. "There is. But I dont know if I should say." Nikki replied. "Give me a hint then." Tommy said. Nikki signed. "The person I'm curious about is one of my best friends. He has poofy hair similar to me. Brown eyes like a puppy. Tall. He's a drummer." Tommy perked up by the drummer part. Tommy stared at Nikki with a hint of recognition. Nikki looked at Tommy and continued. "We call ourselves the Terror Twins." Tommy's eyes widen in realization before Nikki works up the courage. Nikki grabs Tommy's face and kisses him. Tommy sat still for a minute then kissed back.

Tommy pushed Nikki onto his back and begin to kiss down his body. During Tommy and Nikki's erm.......experimentation, Vince had woken up. Vince looked up to see what was going on. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing clearly. He looked again and his mouth fell open in shock. He looked at Mick, who was also staring in shock. Both of them couldn't bileve they're eyes. They both covered up they're heads trying not to make a sound as they heard the noice.

The next morning, Tommy and Nikki woke up naked next to each other. They looked at each other and blushed, remembering what happened last night. But neither of them regretted it. They looked at Vince and Mick bed to see both of them looking at them in a awkward silence. Tommy and Nikki realized that they hadn't been alone in the room and immediately felt embarrassed. Vince looked at them. "So.......I'm gonna assume it was good from the sound of it. If I knew you two would be doing THAT, we would have left the room and let you have your privacy. I can hardly get any from Mick. " He said. Mick slapped Vince aside the head. "Dude!!!! Not cool!!!" Vince said to Mick, making Mick glare at him and Tommy and Nikki laugh.

Note: that's the end of my very first Boyxboy chapter. Hope everyone enjoys it.

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