Razzle #1

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Plot: Razzle girlfriend manages to save him and Vince

December 8th, 1984:

Rayleigh Neil was at a party that consisted of her brother, Vince Neil, his bandmates, and Hanoi Rocks. Ray had long blond hair and brown eyes, similar to Vince. She was wearing a black Mötley Crüe tank top with a jean jacket and jeans with black boots.

She smiled when her boyfriend, Razzle, the drummer of Hanoi Rocks, sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. Vince walked in the room and grabbed some keys. Ray got up immediately knowing Vince had been drinking. "Where are you going Vince?" She asked. "I gotta make a achohol run, we ran out." Vince said. "I'll go with you." Razzle said. That did not make Ray feel any kind of better. Razzle had been drinking himself. "I'm going with you. I'll drive" Ray said. "You don't have to, sis. We can take care of our-selves" Vince said. "Either you let me drive or you two aren't going." Ray said in a tone that said to not test her.

"Fine MOM. You can drive." Vince said as him, Ray, and Razzle left. They made it back to the house safely, unaware of what could have happened. The next morning, Hanoi Rocks was passed out on the floor along with Mötley Crûe. Ray and Razzle lay in her bed asleep. Ray woke up first and begin to cook breakfast big enough for 9 people. "Hey sis." Vince said walking into the room. "Hey. How did you sleep last night?" Ray asked. "Other then hungover, fine." Vince said. "Maybe that's why you shouldn't have drunk so much and then tried to drive." Ray said, sitting a cup of coffee down in front of him and turning on the kitchen TV.

"Would it really had been so bad if I drove?" Vince said. Ray was about to reply when the TV cut to a news source. "We apologize for the interruption of your regularly scheduled program but we are reporting on a fatal car accident that happened last night." The news person said. Ray looked at Vince, Vince looked at her. "It appears that 1 person has been confirmed dead, 2 more are currently in very serious condition and the driver of the car with the deceased passenger, had been driving despite both him and the passenger being well over the legal limit of driving while drunk. The driver was arrested. We will be back later with more news on this story." The news person said.

Ray gasps and Vince sat there in silence. "That's what could have happened if you drove." Ray said. Vince looked down guilty. "Thank you. For stopping me from doing something so dumb." Vince said, making Ray hug him. "Anytime you big doofus." Ray said, making Vince smile. When Razzle found out about the accident, he had immediately hugged Ray, knowing that she may had just saved his life.

Note: I hope you guys enjoy this. I wanted to make a AU concerning Vince accident back in 1984. I know Razzle isn't in it much.

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