Tommy Lee #1

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Plot: Tommy meets someone while in a tough spot.

Tommy Lee was sitting down at the bar, feeling bad for himself and drinking vodka. He had just finished serving 6 months in prison for a bad fight with his wife of 3 years, Pamela Anderson. Now they were in the midst of a divorce. Tommy had promised himself he would never marry someone after just meeting them again (A/N: True story).

He signed. He regretted what had happened with Pam. He hadn't meant for that to happen. (A/N: I will not allow any hate against Tommy.....just in case there is any). A woman sat at his table. Tommy looked up and felt the breath leave his body. She had long red hair, big brown eyes, nice rack (A/N: Come on, he's gonna notice that!!!! Lol), and a pouty mouth. She had several tattoos and was wearing baggy army pants and a black mesh top. She was beautiful. She looked at him and smiled.

Tommy snapped out of his trance when she spoke to him. "What's wrong honey? What you drinking your sorrows away for?" She asked. Tommy felt shivers at the sound of her southern accent. "Nothing for you to worry about." Tommy replied, not wanting to talk it.

The woman nodded. "If it makes you feel any better, I already know what happened. I'm a fan of Pamela." She said. Tommy head snapped up. He almost expected her to mock or slap him, but all she did was smile.

"I'm surprised, your not mocking me like everyone else." Tommy said. The woman giggled and said "Why should I? You made a mistake. Sure it was bad on your part but were all human. Nobody's perfect. What happens in the past doesnt matter, Its what you do in the future that does." The woman said. Tommy looked at her in surprise and smiled. He offered her a drink. She accepted the drink. They looked at each other for a minute before she spoke again "Would you like to get out of here? It doesn't have to be sex, we could do pretty much anything we want."

"Only if you tell me your name." Tommy said. The woman giggled again and said. "Amy. My name is Amy"

Tommy and Amy walked out of the bar together. Both unsure about the future, but knowing it now looked bright.

Note: Amy is losely based on Lita thr wrestler.

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