Steve Clark #2

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Steve and his twin sister, Kathleen have been drinking. The guys find out that about Kathleen problem and tries to help her but she confuses until she overdoses.

Steve Clark, Joe Elliot, Phil Collen, Rick Savage, and Rick Allen all layed up in Steve's twin sister, Kathleen house after a night of partying. Joe wakes up and see's Kathleen in the kitchen already drinking a beer. "Your drinking this early?" Joe asked. Kathleen shrugged and continued to drink, finishing it and immediately going to get another bottle. "How often do you drink Kathy?" Joe asked. "Pretty much all day." Kathleen said like it was no big deal.

Joe was shocked. He and the guys knew about Steve drinking, but they had no idea about Kathleen's. All the guys woke up, worried to see Kathleen drinking, Steve joining in as well. Sav walked over to Kathleen while Phil tried to talk to Steve. ", Phil, Rick, Joe, and even Steven think you have a problem."

Kathleen finished her beer and said to Sav "I dont have a problem. I can handle it just fine, dont worry about me." Sav just shook his head.

A week later, Joe and Sav arrived at Kathleen's house. They used the spare key unded the doormat. As they walked in, Joe called for Kathleen. "Kathy?", Joe said. "Its me, Joe and Sav." No answer. "Kathy?" Joe said. Still no answer. Worried, they both went into Kathy's room and found her on the floor passed out. "KATHY!!!" both Joe and Sav yelled as they tried to wake her up to no successe.

Sav and Joe immediately took her to the hospital, calling the guys along the way. After they arrived, a nurse rushed Kathleen into a room. Sav and Joe sat down worried. Phil and the guys ran in, tears streaming down Steve's face. They were all worried for her. Steve felt guilty because he didnt see that his twin sister was falling down the same path he was. He looked down at the freshly bought beer. He took on look at it and left the room, Joe following him.

Steve walked into the men's bathroom and proceeded to dump all of the beer down the sink and throw the bottles away, unaware that Joe was watching shock and happiness on his face. Joe walked over to his friend. Joe placed his hand on Steve's shoulder. They both looked at each other before Joe gave a friendly hug to Steve. As they walked back into the waiting room, the doctor had just arrived. "Kathleen Clark is awake. He managed to save her. All the achohol in her system must have made her overdose."

The guys were all relieved. They all went into Kathleen's room. Steve walked over to his sister and hugged her tight, tears running down his face, this time from relief. Kathleen was crying as well. "I'm so sorry I couldnt stop it, Kathy." Steve said as he hugged her tight. Kathleen wiped away his tears. Joe hugged her as well after wiping away her tears. As well as the guys. She looked at Steve and Joe and said two word. "I'm ready." Steve and the guys smiled happily knowing what she meant, Steve looking at her and said "Me too."

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