Rick Savage #11

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For starlyn2003

Plot: Sav's daughter Hannah is interviewing the band on Sixx Sense. She is 9 months pregnant and keeps having contractions during the radio show interview

Hannah is the daughter of Rick Savage, bassist for Def Leppard. She has light brown hair, blue eyes, and short. She is 25 years old.

Hannah works for Sixx Sense, a rock radio show (A/N: yes another reference to you know who), the show hosted by Nikki Sixx. She is 9 months pregnant and the baby would be due any minute now.

Today, she was going to be interviewing her father and uncles on the show. She quickly showered. She dressed in a Rolling Stones shirt, black pants, and black shoes.

As she arrived at the building the show was being held, she saw Sav leaning against the door.

"Dad!!!!" She yelled and hugged him as much as she could with her bulging stomach.

"Hey Ann", Sav said, kissing her head. "How is my grandbaby doing?" He asked, as he helped her sit down. "She's fine." She replied. Nikki Sixx walked into the room. "Hey Sav, the guys are in the studio" Nikki said. Sav nodded, he kissed Hannah on the head again and went into the studio.

Nikki turned to Hannah and asked "how's the Mom to be doing?". Hannah smiled at him and said "she's fine." Nikki laughed and helped her sit up as he helped her into the studio.

Throughout the interview, all the guys could tell that something was wrong, most worried it was about the baby. Hannah was sitting down, breathing in and out through the sudden contractions. After the interview ended and the mic was turned off, Sav and Joe helped her up.

Suddenly she felt water down below and knew instantly what had happened. "My water broke" she said. Sav and the guys immediately took her to the hospital, Nikki promising to come by when he had the chance.

Hours later, Charity, was born. Nikki walked into the hospital. He was directed into her room and smiled seeing, Hannah holding her baby girl. He walked over to her and smiled. "Hey Nikki" she said. Suddenly, she got an idea. "How would you like to be her godfather?" She asked. Nikki was ecstatic and hugged her, making Hannah laugh slightly.

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