Robert Plant #1

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Plot: Robert meets Jimmy's sister.

Robert Plant was in the recording studio with his bandmates of Led Zeppelin, John Paul Jones and John Bonham. His guitarist Jimmy Page wasn't there yet. Jimmy had called the guys to tell them that was going to bring his 21 year old sister with him. Suddenly, the door to the studio opened and Jimmy walked in with a woman behind him.

"Hey guys, this is my sister, Rain. Rain these are my bandmates." Jimmy said. Robert felt the air leave his body. Rain was beautiful. She had shoulder length curly brown hair with brown eyes. She wore an white button up shirt, blue jeans, and dark brown boots. She was carrying a brown jacket. "Hey, Rain. I'm John Paul Jones but I prefer to be called Jonsey." Jonsey said. "My name is John Bonham and I prefer to be called Bonzo. Nice to meet you." Bonzo said. "Nice to meet you too." Rain said with a smile.

Rain looked at Robert and blushed. She had a huge crush on since the moment she first saw him. He was absolutely gorgeous. But she knew her brother would never allow that to happen. He was far to protective of her. "My name is Robert." Robert said when he finally catches his breath. "Nice to meet." Rain said as she and Robert looked at each other. Jimmy cleared his throat, having noticed the looks Robert was giving her. "Wanna get to it now?" Jimmy said. Robert and the guys nodded. "You can just sit over there Rain." Jimmy said. "Ok." Rain said and sat down on the studio couch. Jimmy whispered in Robert's ear. "She's my sister. Keep your eyes to yourself Percy." Jimmy said.

Robert nodded and they begin to record for they're album, Led Zeppelin IV. One year later, Rain had become close friends with Robert, Jonsey, and Bonzo. But Robert over the past year, had begun to have a strong feelings for Rain. He didn't just want to bed her like he did with groupies. He genuinely liked her and found her sweet. Jimmy had noticed and had decided to keep a close eye on Robert in case he ever hurt her.

It was Rain's 22nd birthday and Jimmy had decided to give her a birthday party but first he needed to talk to Robert.

"Robert, I need to talk to you." Jimmy said. "What for?" Robert asked. "It's about Rain." Jimmy said. Robert looked at him. "You know her birthday is today. I give you permission to date her. However, if you betray her or treat her like you do your groupies, I will not hesitate to hunt you down." Jimmy said. Robert looked at Jimmy surprised. "Don't look at me like that. I know you like her." Jimmy said. "I do like her. I'm just surprised your giving me permission." Robert said. "Well, now is your chance. She's gonna be down any minute now." Just as Jimmy said that, they both saw Rain walk down the stairs. She was wearing a long sleeved dress that stopped at her knees and was form fitting but not overly tight, it was a v neck so a hint of her cleavage was showing but not too much.

Her hair was straightened and had a hair clip in it. She wore black high heels and had on stockings. She looked gorgeous. "She cleans up well." Jimmy said as he watched her greet Jonsey and Bonzo. "She looks beautiful." Robert said in a daze. "Ok lover boy, settle down." Jimmy said as Rain walked over to them. "Jimmy!!! Robert!!!! What do you think?" Rain said twirling around. "Don't be surprised if I end up pulling out a shot gun on a boy." Jimmy said making Rain giggle. "You look...beautiful, Rainbow." Robert said using his nickname for her. "Thanks Robert and Jimmy for the love that is holy, behave." She said. Jimmy rolled his eyes. "No promises." He said, Rain giggled again.

Several hours later, the party was still going on and Rain had opened up all her presents except for Robert's. Robert had promised to give it to her later on and now was that time. "Rain." Robert said walking up to her. "Hey Percy." Rain said with a smile and blush. "Here's your present." He said, giving her a wrapped gift. Rain looked happy to open up her long awaited present. When Rain opened up the gift box, she saw a black box. Looking at Robert, she flipped the box open. She gasps. Inside the box was a sterling silver heart necklace. On the heart was her name in cursive. "Rober, it-it's beautiful." Rain said. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously. "Like it? I LOVE IT!!! It's the best gift I've ever been given." Rain said in a excited voice. Robert smiled in relief.

"Turn around. Let me put it on for you." Robert said. Rain did as instructed and moved her hair to the side so Robert could see as he clipped it on. "There." Robert said. Rain turned around and hugged him. When they pulled back, they looked into each other eyes. Robert decided to give it a chance. He kissed her. Rain eyes widened in shock before they closed. She wrapped her arms around Robert's neck and Robert wrapped them around her waist. After a while they pulled back for air. "I've wanted to do that for so long now." Robert said. "Me too. I've had a crush on you since before I even met you." Rain revealed. Robert smiled. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course I do!!!!" Rain said excitedly. She jumped into Robert's arms and kissed him again. They were both unaware that Bonzo, Jimmy, and Jonsey were watching them in hiding. Jonsey and Bonzo mouths were dropped open while Jimmy looked on in a smile before he grabbed both his drummer and bassist and walked away to give the new couple some privacy.

Note: Redid this chapter because I honestly regret writing a story where a guy starts dating a young girl the minute she turns 18 and while I do believe that it's okay to date someone who's older when you are an adult, I'm not comfortable with this one.

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