Chapter One

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The Beginning

IT rained outside of the small coffee shop as the five boys sat at a table with their coffees, "Agh coffee

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IT rained outside of the small coffee shop as the five boys sat at a table with their coffees, "Agh coffee." The oldest brunette sighed wistfully before taking a long sip of his beloved coffee .

"We could have just gone to Starbucks." The youngest reply's after having been dragged by the older, larger and stronger band mate with an needing for coffee.

"It doesn't have the same satisfaction." The oldest rolled his eyes.

The youngest rolled his eyes turning his head to the entrance as the small bell jingled.
The young actresss/model shivered from the outside rain as her eyes roamed the shop. Her eyes quickly meeting the young teens, the moment their eyes linked he flushed red. As she smiled at him, he quickly realized who she was as she turned to the barista.

He quickly elbowed the blue eyed boy beside him, "Daniel! Jonah! Corbyn! Jack!" He stutters out.

The curly haired boy rolled his eyes, "yes, Zachary?" He teased.

Zachary, Zach continuously hit Daniel as his eyes stayed on the girl, "It's its."

"Holy shit!" Corbyn cut off as his eyes landed on the girls frame as she sat at a corner booth. "That's Eva Mendez!"

Jonah went to smack Corbyn for his words till he saw her too, "Oh My God. That's Eva Freaking Mendez."

Zach ignored all his friends comments and stared at her. Daniel quickly noticing this, "Zach, I dare you to go talk to her."

The guys all paused and watched closely as their young friend stood up from their booth. Zach took a breath as he walked towards her booth. She looked up at him causing him to try to retreat.

"Wait! Come back." She called causing him to turn to her. Eva smiled at him as she had already recognized him from the band being all over the news.

As Zach approached the girl he had to say it, "Did you just fart?"

She laughed shaking her head, "No, why?" She questioned.

The boy blushed softly looking back at his friends, "Cause you just kinda blew me away." Eva couldn't help but laugh at the boy.

Zach flushed scratching the back of his neck nervously taking a seat across from him. "Ugh hi I'm Zach, my friends are over there gossiping because we're big fans."

A light laugh escaped her cherry red lips as she looked at him from under her lashes, "I noticed." She nodded her head towards the four boys who's eyes stayed on the pair.

"Oh ugh sorry about them." Zach apologized unsure if she was uncomfortable.

She shook her head, "It's all good, I've gotten used to it. Well I'm just waiting for my limo, do you guys need a ride?"

Zach thought for a moment, "You really don't have too, it wasn't raining when we decided to walk here."

Eva nodded, "I want too, I'm also a fan of you and your band. Trust Fund so far is my favorite." Zach blushed as he and Eva stood up, "Its here so get your band and let's go."

Zach signaled the guys to the door as they all stood leaving tips on the table, "Um Eva offered to give us a ride home."

The four nodded with smiles as they ran towards the limo, Jonah gave directions as they all talked. "So Eva, what do you think of Zach?"

Zach threw a bewildered look at Jacks smirking face, Eva smiled lightly, "I think he's adorable. He kinda blew me away with his pick up line."

"Oh Gosh tell me you didn't use the pick up line!" Daniel threw his hands up in the air.

Corbyn nodded, "He used the pick up line."

Eva nodded as all the guys groaned, "Did you just fart?... cause you kinda blew me away." They all groaned as the limo pulled up in front of a mansion like house.

"Wait here's my number." Eva took Zach's phone guessing his password, surprisingly getting it right. "Really, 1234?"

Zach flushed as the guys laughed, Eva handed him his phone after making a group chat and sending them a meme. "Well, I got to go for a shoot, but we should hang tomorrow, my treat."

"Can we bring our girlfriends?" Corbyn and Jack asked, Eva nodded.

"Of course, is love to meet them. Anyways I have to go, bye." Throwing a wink at Zach who turned a bright shade of red as the limo pulled away.

Daniel clapped a hand on Zach's shoulder after the guys all began to walk inside as the light rain continued, "Zachary Dean Herron did you just fall in love?"

Even though Daniel meant to tease Zach, Zach looked down at his checkered vans, "I'm not sure, yet."

He walked inside leaving Daniel shook as he shook his head, "The kid just fell in love with a world class model/actress."

Daniel walked inside the house as he slipped of his black vans, all the guys sat in the living room except for Zach, who apparently was going to bed.

"Who else thinks he likes her?" Daniel asked the group bluntly as they all agreed.

Jack looked up, "Who else thinks she likes him?" Again the group all nodded agreeing with Jacks words.

"I'm not sure how they'll do it honestly, their both way to famous for their own good." Corbyn shook his head worriedly.

Jonah looked at the worried looks of the group, "Hey, as long as Zach's happy and Eva's happy we'll be fine and so will they."

"That's just it what if they cant make each other happy and they get heart broken in the process. Both of them will get hate." Jack reply's running a hand through his toasted noodles.

Daniel sighs softly, "He might already love her, this was a statement from our love struck child who's probably dreaming of kissing Evangeline Mendez in his sleep right about now."

The group sat in silence for a moment as they all shared looks, "This is gonna be one hell of a ride."

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