Chapter Thirty-Four

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I made my decision.

Liked by uncle_jezzy, chrisevans, madelinepetsh and 23

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Liked by uncle_jezzy, chrisevans, madelinepetsh and 23.7 million others

evamendez- tour is coming to a close, we have one last show

Tagged| @gabbie_gonzalez, @tatedoll @katarinaval @beautychickee


imzachherron- See you the airport

SeaveyDaniel- lol it rhymed

katarinaval- @SeaveyDaniel it would be you to point it out

tatedoll- @SeaveyDaniel @katarinaval Just go out already

jonahmarais- ^^^

WDWNews- #Kaniel will be real

MillieBobbyBrown- I'll be at the next show

TessaBrooks- Let's shot another video

User3- yesss! You're guys videos are awesome and cute

User5- when Eva and Tessa are dancing literally shakira is quaking

Eva placed her phone away with a sigh as the plane was above LA, heading to LAX. Kat smiled at her best friend, "I like Daniel."

"I know." Eva replied with a smile. "You two are so obvious, worse then me and Zach."

Katarina blushed softly as Eva laughed, "He likes you too, ask him on a date he's a bit to shy to ask you out."

All types of emotions passed through Kat before she finally nodded, "I'll ask him to go with me to your premiere party." Eva couldn't help but squeal, a new ship was about to come true and her movie was getting released. Plus she'd already started working on Season 3 of Stranger Things, which would finally confirm Maya and Steve's relationship.

Eva was on a different cloud, a new cloud that would last her a long while. Kat laid her head on Eva's shoulder as the intercom came on in first class that they'd be landing soon and to buckle up.

When the plane landed the girls rushed off the jet to see the boys. Eva had spotted them first and immediately ran towards them catching the girl's attention before they all ran to them. Zach spotted them first and ran towards Eva.

Eva tackled him into tight hug as she wrapped her legs around his waists and arms around his neck. "I've come to a decision."

"What made you come to this decision?" Zach asked with a smile.

She smiled instantly before replying to his question, "Your sister." Zach's eyes
widened in surprise before her lips were on his. He held onto her waist tightly so she wouldn't fall.

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