Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Flight and Kat
Katarina decided that she'd go with Eva to New York, especially since she and Christina would have to go back anyways for school. "Kat, you can't go you came to L-."

"I came for you! When have we ever been apart after break ups?" It was true the girls had always been together after the break ups.

The others stared at the girls weirdly, especially Daniel, for that past week he'd gotten close to Kat. He'd started to fall for her and that was hard to do for him. Eva sighed before nodding, "Fine, are you gonna stay at my penthouse for the five months I'm there or at you're apartment?"

"I'll stay with you." Eva just nodded as her phone rang, "Mandy's outside, are you guys coming?" The group all nodded before they headed outside and into the limo.

Mandy sat there on her phone as Eva sat in her spot with Zach beside her, the girl was nervous so she held his hand. Zach sent her a reassuring glance. Eva just meekly smiled back at him.

The car ride was silent before they reached LAX airport. Eva walked very slowly so Zach and Kat has to drag her through the airport to the private jet that they'd be taking. When they reached it everyone paused.

Mandy checked her watch, "You have 10 minutes." Before she walked onto the jet.

Eva and Kat hugged the girls instantly, "I'll message you guys any tour updates." The girls nodded, "I'll see you in about a week, Christina."

Eva walked towards the boys as Kat continued, "I left you watermelon in my fridge, Giraffe." She muttered to Daniel as she pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks, Miss. Mendez." His voice laced with teasing-ness as he said it.

Eva pulled her favorite blonde into a hug, "Come visit me when you visit Christina."

"Of course." He responded as he held her tightly before letting her got to Noodles, "Noodles, make sure to keep it tamed because it'll turn into a mess and remember that you promised your sister a FaceTime call."

"Alright, mother." He winked playfully as he let her go to go to Hoenah.

"Hoenah, remember to call me when you need help with Tate and call your mom because you forgot to yesterday."

His eyes widened immediately as he let her go and grabbed his phone. Eva finally came to her Zach..., not her Zach. Zach pulled her away from the others before pulling her into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, baby girl."

Eva pecked his lips, "Thats all for a while." He nodded sadly as he placed his forehead on hers, "I got you something."

"Zach!" Eva exclaimed as he pulled out a long velvet blue box.

Zach shook his head, "Just open it." So she did and it revealed an infinite necklace. He pulled it out of the box as she lifted her hair, he clipped it in the back as she played with the little sideways eight.

When he was done she let her curls down and looked into his eyes, "As long as we have our promise rings on, we still love each other." Her voice cracked as she said it.

Zach nodded, "I won't stop loving you, Eva, but just be happy, alright?"

"Just Be Happy, Zach and so will I. Just promise that you'll keep it on till you don't love me."

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