Chapter Fourty-Three

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Im sorry you had to find out like this.
It'd been a busy week for Eva, she'd been FaceTiming Zach every day, had many interviews with or without the girls, had to film Endgame, finished Far From Home, did ST Season Three. Snuck out with her children, did Lives and Posted on Instagram.

However today was the big day, when Evangeline Kristen Mendez would wake up as an 18 year old girl.

The sudden ring off her phone had woken up the birthday girl. She smiled at the name even thought it was 5:00 am. "Hi." She waved as she saw her boyfriend Zach.

"Good morning beautiful, Happy 18th." He smiled tiredly at his girlfriend. "I love you."

Eva smiled softly as she stared into his brown orbs, "I love you, too. I'm still sorry, I was busy on your birthday, I really did t-."

"It's okay, Eva I told you it was alright, I have you an that's enough for me. And we can celebrate when I come home in two months." His words made the girls smile brighten.

"God, Zach I love you." She sighed happily as they stared into each other's eyes.

Her door was thrown open causing the girl to jump slightly startled as her best friends walked into the room. "Happy Birtdhay, hoe!- oh hi Zachary." Kat waves.

Eva smiled softly at her friends as they shoved a cake in her face like the Herron's did with Zach, "Kat give her a big hug for me." The boy mocked as Kat jumped on Eva.


Liked by SeaveyDaniel, Gaten123, RobertDowneyJr and 24

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Liked by SeaveyDaniel, Gaten123, RobertDowneyJr and 24.8 million others

imzachherron- Happy 18th to this beauty, sry I can't see you today, I love you 💕❤️

Tagged| @evamendez

uncle_jezzy- sry ur missing the party
Comment deleted

nataliadyer- ur an idiot @uncle_jezzy

Gaten123- u just realized that @nataliadyer

evamendez- thxs Zach and it's okay

Hater7- wOw what a great couple

katarinaval- I know their a great couple

User5- Happy Birthday Mendez

ShawnMendes- Happy Birthday cutie 😉

User5- did Shawn just try to flirt

User3- does it matter I mean she legal

User6- But taken

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