Chapter Fourty

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That's my baby!
Eva hugged Zach tightly as they said goodbye to each other for the boys tour. She just held him, like the other girls held their boyfriends, all upset but happy. "I'm going to miss you."

Zach pulled back to look into her eyes, "I'm gonna to miss you too." He held her tightly as they rocked them back and forth.

"Be careful with those teenage girls and boys, alright?!" She warned with a smile.

He rolled his eyes, "You're the only one I want, baby girl, only you. And you be careful with those guys and girls because we both know they've hit on you before."

Eva rolled her eyes like Zach pointing at her promise ring, "I only want you, just you." She leaned up and pressed her lips to his.

"Zach, bud we gotta go." August called as the boys had already pulled away from the girls, "Bye, love you." Eva kissed his cheek before he walked over to the guys.

"Bye guys, see you in four months." They all got on and the girls walked back towards the airport, "He's not gonna be here for my birthday." Eva told the girls.

"We'll be here and it's going to be the best day for you." Tate wrapped around the younger girl as they began to make their way through the groups of fangirls.

Security surrounded them, escorting them away from the fans who surrounded their circle, "We love you." A fan yelled.

"I love you more!" Eva yelled out as they got out of the airport and pulled into their limo.

"Come on, Eva, you've been practicing for months, you'll do fine." Mandy tells the girl as she played with her thumbs as Pim drove them to the dmv.

Today was the day, Eva had been having Jonah help her with for months. And she was completely terrified. When the limo came to a stop she froze, Mandy had security pull her out of the limo.

Eva walked in with Mandy at her side, signing the paper work and showing her learners permit. A few moments later, that felt like hours to the girl, an instructor came over to the two women and Pim.

They made their way to a rental car, Eva got to the front and did everything the instructor told her too as both Mandy and Pim sat in the back seats. Eva began to drive as her mind flashed back to practice drives with Jonah when it was just with her learners permit.

She did pretty well, a few times she would get nervous and do something wrong only to fix it. She pulled up perfectly to a stop and putting the car on park before turning it off. A breath of relief escaped her lips.

They all looked at the instructor who was writing on his paper, "A few slips but other than that I'd say you passed." Eva squealed instantly as they got out of the car.

"Thank you, Honah!" She cheered as she hugged both Mandy and Pim. "I'm so happy!" They were lead inside to take the picture and get the actual card.



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