Chapter Fifty- Three

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I do.
Seven Years Later
Eva stood at the end of the Isle with a grin on her face as her eyes met Zach's. Mandy and Pim at her sides as they walked her down the aisle. Both having mirroring grins on their faces as they held her arms.

Her eyes scanned the rows filled with his family and their friends. Soon enough her eyes met Angela's who winked after eight years the older women always knew that Zach and Eva would be married.

As they finally approached the podium, Jack, Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, Ryan and Hayes stood behind Zach. While Kay, Kat, Christina, Reese, Tate and Gabbie stood behind her. Sadly Reese was to old to be the flower girl, so she was a bridesmaid. Lavender was the flower girl.

Corbyn and Christina's son, Corbyn Jr.? (Idek) had been the ring barrier, accompanied by Jonah and Tate's daughter, Aaliyah, who was about a year older than Corbyn Jr.

Eva took Zach's hand as the priest began the ceremony, both smiling at each other as their eyes stared up. After eight years of being in love and knowing they were each other's some days, it finally was happening.

Zach had proposed in Paris, for Eva's fashion week that Reese and Isla, had modeled with her. All wearing Versace, the three girls felt very rich that day, well Eva always did.

Anyways, Zach had taken her to the exact same spot he had asked her out for the first time. Of course Eva said yes, she loved him so much. Plus, Reese who have given her a piece of her mind.

So that's what brought them here, Eva stood in a large white gown and Zach in a suit in front of her. Their friends and family watching them with happiness and tears spilling from their eyes.

Robert, Chris and Elizabeth held each other as they're watched intently. Tom held Olivia Bolton's hand beside them, as Zendaya sat beside them.

Joe was an ecstatic child sat beside his wife's and twins, Natalia and Charlie sat beside them, Nillie finally happened. All of her other cast sat around on her side of the church.

But it was a peaceful day. Obviously.

"You may now say your vows." The priest motioned for Zach to go.

Zach took a breath but stared into her eyes, "I met you, today eight years ago, which was one of the greatest days of my life. A few years before that you were just a celebrity that I had no chance with. But turns out I just had to wait for my dream to come true and it did with four of the idiots behind me. We've been through a lot, anyone who had been there since the day we met knows we have been through so much. Today, I'm  going to finally complete something on my eight year old bucket list of marrying you."

Eva's eyes stared up as he came to finish his vows, "The first and second time we broke up I had said my biggest regret was walking into the coffee where I met you and the boys behind you. My actually biggest regret is saying that to you because you make me happy. When I met you I was a heartbroken girl that had a fake smile but you gave me a real one. You made me laugh, smile and put me back to the person I was before. Honestly, I can't wait to marry you, because I'll have you forever. Which means, I'll never have to fake a smile ever again."

Zach grinned as he stared into Eva's eyes, "does anyone object to this union? No?, that's great." The Priest stayed quickly causing the people to laugh.

"Do you Zachary Dean Herron take this girl to be your lawfully wedded wife and to stand by her in the darkest of times?"

"I do."

"And do you, Evangeline Kristen Mendez take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband and to stand by him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Zach and Eva both leaned in and met each other's lips as everyone began to cheer.

Eva woke up in Zach's arms, she checked her phone and saw it was 12:00 pm. She smiled softly thinking of her dream as she moved s stray hair from Zach's face. The boy stirred softly under her touch.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked softly as he stared into his girlfriend of nearly an actual full year. They were both nineteen now and both staring at each other.

She shook her head softly, "I had a dream."

"Good or bad?" Zach asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

She smiled softly at him, "Good, we got married, it was like seven or six years later." She admitted as Zach smiled.

"Hmm maybe you saw our future." Zach responded pecking her cheek.

Eva nodded her head, "Of course it was our future, in going to marry you Zachary Dean Herron, you're mine."

Zach smiled at her, "And you're mine. Now and Forever?"

"Forever yours." She whispered before kissing him again, "There was a Corbyn Jr., an Aliyah, baby Lavender was now seven and the flower girl. And Reese was a bridesmaid."

Zach laughed softly, "I'm surprised Kat and Daniel didn't have a kid."

Eva paused, "Actually I think they did, I saw Daniel playing with a little boy that was behind him and Kat played with a slightly younger girl before the ceremony."

"So we all get our happy endings?" He asked his girlfriend as he snuggled into her arms, laying them both back down.

She nodded her head, "Yeah, we all do, Pandy is real." Zach burst out laughing.

"I told you, Pim had a thing for Mandy." He pointed at her causing her to smile.

"Yeah well, you were right, now give me cuddles, Herron!"


The End.

I hope you liked this book, I think I might have a Why Don't We Imagines book and a Daniel fic might be on its way.

Goodbye #Zeva fans. Love you, all.

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