Chapter Fourty-One

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Happy Birthday, Baby.
Eva woke up May 27, with a grin as she immediately called her boyfriend who was in Texas. Not minding that she had just woken up and that her hair was a frizzy mess.

A few rings and her boyfriends face appeared on the screen, obviously just awoken from his sleep. But he woke up when he saw her smiling face, "Happy Birthday, Baby!" She cheered into the phone.

"Thanks you're the first to say that." Zach smiled at her cheery voice.

Eva rolled her eyes teasingly, "Obviously, you just woke up. You look adorable this great morning, thank your mom for birthing you!" Zach laughed at her words, he thought she looked beautiful even though she had just woken up and her hair was a mess.

He thought she was adorable for waking up early just to be the first to say happy birthday. The bubbly girl that had captured his heart was just adorable in general, from her laugh to how her eyes brighten up when you bring up something she loves. And when she got excited she would clap her hands in excitement or squeal.

She didn't notice it though, she found herself just as beautiful as everyone else. In her opinion, everyone was beautiful. Though Zach found her a bit more beautiful because of her 'beautiful personality'.

"Earth to Zach." Eva called in a sing sing voice as she had been standing in front of her closet, holding up a simple black bra crop and black shorts, with reddish sunglasses. "Should I wear this to my interview?"

Zach studied the outfit, "It's perfect, just like you." He commented making the girl blush.

"Stop! It's to early to blush." She commented before moving into her closet to change.

Eva came back into the view in her outfit. "I'm sorry I can't fly out to see you. Happy 18th Baby." She really missed him, she missed his kisses, she missed her, Zach.

He noticed the frown of disappointment on her face and a frown etched onto his own, "Hey, it's okay, we're both super busy and I know you have your interview and then you have to shoot your scenes for ST. I'm so proud of you, Eva."

A tear escaped her eye and Zach wished he could catch, "Don't cry, beautiful, please don't it means so much to me that you woke up so early just to say happy birthday first."

Eva smiled softly at her boyfriend, who's voice was laced with concern, "I miss you." She admitted a sigh escaping her lips as she braided her hair, "And I can't wait to see you, baby. But I'm so happy for you, living your dream, like I'm living mine."

The door creaked open on Zach's side of the screen, revealing the boys, and the Herron's. Plus a few of Zach's friends whom Eva had met in her first visit to LA. All surprised at the boy up at 6:54 am.

"Good Morning!" Eva greeted and they all hummed softly in response to the girl as they realized she was why he's up.

"Happy 18th Birthday Zach!" They cheered as they held the cake in his face. He smiled at his girlfriend before blowing out the cake.

"Reese, give Zach a big kiss on the cheek for me." The younger girl smiled at the famous girl before jumping beside her brother and planting a kiss on his cheek.

Eva's door opened revealing Mandy, "Happy Birthday, Zach. Eva will have to call you later because she's late for her interview, again! It's with Jimmy Fallon!, you cant be late with Jimmy Fallon!" The manager growled at her client angrily.

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