Chapter Thirty

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Can I stay here for a bit?
The group woke up three days later after the model party. Eva had all her belongs packed for today she was going home. A smile spread on the girls lips at the thought of making up with Tate and Gabbie.

She put on sweats and Zach's hoodie before she grabbed her phone and suitcase. Walking out of her room she saw all the boys awake with sleepy faces.

Kat and Christina stood beside the boys with frowns, "Morning." Eva yawned softly into the sleeve of the hoodie. She pulled the girls into a tight hug as they couldn't come to the airport with them. "I'll see you in like a week for the tour."

The girls nodded, "That's if Tate and Gabbie still wanna go." Kat pointed out.

"They were the ones that decided we should talk about it before we cancel it." Christina commented as they pulled away.

The girls hugged the boys as Kat awkwardly hugged Daniel. Eva rolled her eyes as she shoved Daniel to his lips landed on her cheek. She quickly ran and hid behind Zach, whom threw his arms behind him blocking her from Kats wrath.

"You're so lucky, Evangeline Kristen Mendez or I'd kick your ass."

"I'm sorry Kat, I was aiming for you guys to kiss, I'll do it better next time." Eva giggled against Zach's neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"We have to go." The group embraces before the boys and Eva headed out the door. Slipping into the limo back into their usual spots as Eva laid her head down on Zach's shoulder, whom placed his head on hers.

The other boys rolled their eyes at them, just waiting for them to be together at the end of the day. Eva's wavy hair strain her face as they reached the airport. Zach gently shook the girl awake before her eyes opened.

They slid out of the car as the others grabbed the bags, Eva held Zach's arm as she walked with her eyes closed. Soon they were escorted to their jet and Eva sat on a random seat by the window.

Zach sat down beside her as Daniel sat across from them. Eva laid down on her seat cuddling into Zach's hoodie. Jonah, Corbyn and Jack sitting away from them.

Eva's head slipped onto Zach, he quickly buckled the sleeping girl in. "she's always sleeping." Daniel chuckled softly before turning out the window.

Zach smiled softly at Daniels words as his mind started a complication of her sleeping.

The second the plane landed everyone separated, the boys went to the studio as 8 Letters was dropping in an hour, Zach however went to break up with Kay before it, unbeknownst to Eva whom went back to the PrettyMuch house.

Eva unlocked the door, throwing it open before screaming, "I'm back!" Zion was the first to respond, surprising her.

"I missed you, these idiots are annoying." The other boys soon followed, Austin, Edwin, Nick, Brandon then Charlotte. Eva paused at the girls presence, "Hey, Charlotte."

The other girl smiled softly at Eva before Brandon pulled her into a tight hug, "We're back together, isn't that great?!"

"Its amazing I'm happy for you, guys."

Edwin stepped in, "Alright, now tell us the shit that went down with you and Zach."

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