Chapter Fifty

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I still picture it, it's been a couple of months
Zach unlocked the front door to Eva and Kay's house as the Christina, Kat, Tate, Gabbie, Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn and Jack walked in behind him. The sudden clatter and groan caught their attention as they headed towards the kitchen.

Kay was struggling to grab a medicine jar on the top shelf, Jonah came to the rescue and grabbed it for her, "Are you sick?" Tate asked as she scanned over the blonde.

"Nope, Eva is. I've been her person sergeant since 3 am." They took in the blondes red eyes as a loud thud came from upstairs, "Shit, not again!"

They followed the blonde who ran up the stairs, they entered Eva's all to familiar bedroom to see Eva on the floor. Kay rolled her eyes before trying to hoist her back up, only for Zach to pick up the sick girl bridal style and set her back on the bed.

"Kay, go to sleep you look tired." Kat rubbed the blondes shoulder. "We'll take care of her."

The blonde haired girl tiredly nodded before she walked to her room. Kay sat down beside Eva who curled into her arms. "I'm dying." The actress groaned dramatically as Gabbie came back with her baby girl laying in her arms and a bottle of medicine.

"I'm going to be in another room so Lav won't get sick." She walked away with Jack.

Zach sat down on the other side of his ex with a worried expression, "You won't die." He finally responded to her as he moved a strand of hair from her face.

Eva turned around and laid down on Zach as he seemed to be warmer than Kat. "How do you know that?" Her voice was mumbled as the others watched TV on her flat screen.

"Because you're to strong to die." Eva turned so she was laying on her stomach an placed her head in the pillows and pulled her blanket over her head.  "I'm almost dead."

Daniel laughed, "You're just sick, Princess." Eva sighed as Christina held a spoon out to her, "Drink." Her eyes widened as she grumbled under her breath before opening her mouth.

She swallowed it and immediately was disgusted by the taste before she snuggled up to Kat. "That's nasty." She whined like a child that reminded Zach of Reese.

Eva groaned again before she shot up and ran to her bathroom. Zach ran after her and grabbed her hair as she leaned over the edge of the toilet. The others stood by the door all feeling bad for the busy actress.

She flushed the toilet and stood up with the help of Zach before she went to the sink to wash her face. "I have to go to work."

"Nah ugh. You're to sick, I'll call it in." Kat states before she walked away to get her phone. The girl began to feel dizzy as the world began to spin and she nearly fell hadn't Zach caught her.

He helped her to her bed as she rolled on and almost rolled off the other side but Jonah pushed her back into the middle of the bed and they tucked her in tightly. Zach sat down beside her again as she cuddled into his side as she hunted for warmth.

"You're warm. Why are you so warm?" She asked him as she held him tightly. Tate rolled her eyes, "You're hot."

"Thank you but I don't feel to cute right now." Eva replied but became mumbled as she laid on Zach's chest.

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