Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Das my boi's!
Eva stood at the Why Don't We boys kitchen waiting for them to hurry up. The boys would leave for tour in a week so they decided to stay the week at Eva's house, well technically now it was the girls house as they all lived there. Suddenly the was door open startling Eva, so she jumped.

She peeked out of the kitchen to the living room to see Logan Paul with his vlog camera. "Can I help you?" Eva questioned the tall blonde haired man.

He looked at her with wide eyes as he pointed his camera at the ground, "Is it legal to film you?" She laughed and nodded so he lifted his camera at her.

"What are you doing at ma boys house?" Logan asked her with a confused expression.

Eva cocked her head to the side, "What are you doing at my boyfriends house?" She retorted with her signature smile.

Logan facepalmed as he remembered all the Instagram posts, "Oh I forgot you were dating my boy, Zach." The two shook hands. "Alright, Logang we ran into the Evangeline Mendez herself."

Eva waved at the camera, "Hi Mendez Army!" She cheered as Logan gave her a look. "It's Logang!" "No, it's not! Make sure to donate for the Thirst Project!" She yelled into the camera that she had taken from Logan.

"Come back here!" Eva screamed causing all five of the Why Don't We boys to trample down the stairs to see Logan on the ground and Eva holding the camera showing the boys. "Hi." She smiled at the boys.

"We thought you were dying!" Corbyn exclaimed as he had his hands on his knees.

"I was, Logan scared me when he walked in." She replied as she kept her aim of the camera on the boys. "She took my camera!"

Eva rolled her eyes, "You should be happy I did, I'm literal click bait." The boys all nodded in agreement as she handed Logan his camera back.

Zach wrapped an arm around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder. "We're all taken now, Logan." It'd been two days since both Kat and Daniel announced that they were officially together to the group and their fans.

"Das my boi's!" Logan cheered, "Now I need a girlfriend, Eva I know you got Daniel a girl, wanna hook me up?"

She paused as she leaned into Zach, "Hmm I don't know, you're kinda insane but obviously not as bad as your brother." The girl shaded uncontrollably as the boys laughed when she gasped in surprise at her own words. "I didn't mean that!"

"Sure you didn't baby girl." Zach whispered softly into her ear causing Eva hit his arm.

Eva wiggled her way out of his arms but he pulled her back and held her tightly, "Zach!" He only held her tighter as Logan had the camera pointed at them.

"Logang, it's kinda impossible to ship this and now I'm jealous." Eva laughed at Logan, gently patting his shoulder.

"Are you guys ready?" She questioned the boys who nodded their heads before running upstairs to grab their suitcases.

Logan looked at her confused as they stood in the living room, "I thought their going on tour, next week?" She nodded.

"Their staying at my house for the week because all of their girlfriends live with me." Logan nodded his head, "You can come, just don't break anything."

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