Chapter Four

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The Post And my Short Ass Chapter

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Liked by SeaveyDaniel, jonahmarais, jackaverymusic and 26,856

beautychickee- I woke up to find this #zeva 💕💘

Tagged- evamendez, imzachherron

User7- that ugly bitvh best get up off my man

ShawnMendes- @User7 like you stood a chance with him anyway, don't be coming for Evs.

User9- Shawn And Eva's friendship is everything

Zachswifey- I luv him but aww #Zeva

Dani'sgirl- #Zeva Be Happy Zach

Evafan7- tell Eva "I'm so happy for you, especially after what happened with Matthew, #Zeva"

SeaveyDaniel- their cute #Zeva

I❤️Zach- ew get away from him

jonahmarais- @I❤️Zach, no a true fan would be happy for him and support him. Their not together yet but I can see the happiness in his eyes when he sees her. If their happy, so am I.

beautychickee- ^^^^



WDWNEWS- Hello everyone, welcome back for the days tea. So today our focus is on Zach Herron and Eva Mendez. About a week ago, it was reported that the WDW boys had met Eva at a coffee shop. Which was marked as true from Christina Marie, Corbyn Bessons longtime Girlfriend.

Yesterday, Eva had a party at her house and witnesses reported that the WDW and Christina has went early to the party. And witness at the party took pictures of our one and only Zach staring at Eva from afar.

And due to Instagram posts and comments it's safe to say these two might actually be in love. Especially with Jonah Marais comment stating, "I❤️Zach, no a true fan would be happy for him and support him. Their not together yet but I can see the happiness in his eyes when he sees her. If their happy, so am I."

And as I speak for true limelight's, I'm happy for Zach and Eva. It's been a hot minute since Eva's breakup with boyfriend of two years, Matthew Espinosa. The two are still close friends after having been on tour for Magcon.

Anyways back to the topic, is #Zeva real? Not yet. As in stated by Jonah's comment he mentioned the word 'yet' leading us to believe the boys and Christina are gonna make #Zeva happen. We'll have to wait and see.

Remember to come back for the next ounce of WDW news.

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