Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Downfall of It All
Eva sat alone at her kitchen table about a week from her trip with the new and improved squad. Katarina had been back in LA for about a week. Tate and Gabbie were moving in and some day soon, so would Christina.

She hummed Talk, the boys new song that had gotten released about a day ago. A soft smile on her face as her phone rang.

It would change everything.

"Hey Mandy!" She cheered as she took another bite of her burger from In n Out.

"Hey." Mandy voice shook softly causing Eva to immediately worry.

"What's wrong?" She asked placing her burger down, her stomach groaning in protest as she did so.

"Nothing. Eva, you got casted for a new movie." Her manager stated, Eva was a bit happy but then remembered that her manager was scared to deliver the news. "It's in New York City and shooting for about five months."

Her stomach dropped, in five months Eva and the girls would announce that they were gonna go on tour to see there fans. After the girls tour, the boys would go on tour. That'd be a whole year hardly seeing Zach.

"Ooh." Eva's voice cracked as her front door opened revealing her friends. "Do I have to do it?"

Her friends all greeted her as they sat at the table and couch beside her. "Eva, Tom is gonna be in the movie and I know you won't see Zach for a while but Corbyn and Christina do it all the time."

"It's not the same!" Eva exclaimed startling her friends as she drove a loose hand through her curls, "Mandy! We're never apart, we couldn't go an hour." A look of worry crossed Zach's face as the group studied the girl.

"Eva! I know you love him but he'll still be here when you get back. Plus, you can be with Christina and plan the full extent of the tour."


"No buts! I know it's gonna be hard, and I'm sorry but there is face time. So we leave tomorrow." Mandy's words sunk in instantly.

"Tomorrow! What the hell?!" Before Eva could protest anymore, Mandy hung up. She groaned immediately dropping her phone on the table with a loud groan as she laid her head on the table, eyes pricking with tears.

Zach sat down beside her, "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked but she didn't respond, she just hugged him.

After a moment she regained her words, "I have to shoot a movie."

"That's greet. Why aren't you happy?" Jonah asked the teary eyed girl.

"It's in New York, five months." Eva responded with a whimper.

Tate's eyes widened, "We announce tour in five months and when we get back, the guys leave. That'd be a whole year bef-."

A strangled cry left Eva's lips as Zach held her tightly, afraid she'd leave him. The others got up and left to talk, leaving Zach and Eva. "Ev, it's okay. I'm happy for you."

She sniffed, "Zach, we can't go an hour without each other."

The brunette boy sighed as he stared into his girlfriends eyes, "Why Don't We, take a break until we get back. I, no other girls, you, no other guys."

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