Chapter Twenty

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A day at the park.
Eva laid on Zach's childhood bed with Reese as they watched 'Despicable Me' on the laptop. The two girls had become best friends in the matter of a week.

"You're only here for another week." Reese sighed as she laid against the older girl.

Eva sighed looking down at her, "I know. One last week before I go back home, but I can always call you and come visit."

"Really?" Reese asked surprised at Eva's response to her comment.

Zach paused in the hallway just listening to the two girls speak in his room. "Of course, u like hanging out with you." There was a soft laugh in Eva's voice as she spoke to Reese.

"Do you like hanging out with me, more than Zach?" Reese asked instantly getting Zach's full attention as he listened closely.

"Mmm-hmm.  Zach's always there for me but  I find you much cuter." Reese giggled as Eva kissed her cheek.

Zach walked in with a pout on his lips, "Hey! I'm right here!" Eva stood up wrapping her arms around Zach with a grin.

"You know I love you." She pecked his lips using her hand to cover it from Reese. "But you gave me Reese and I love her."

Zach rolled his eyes before lifting her up bridal style before throwing her on the bed beside Reese. Both girls laughing as he did. He laid in between them kissing both their cheeks. "What do you guys want to do tomorrow?"

Reese smiled, "Let's go get ice cream at the park, it would be Eva's second time!" Zach sent Eva a curious look.

"Only your second?"

Eva flushed, "I grew up as a celebrity child in LA an ice cream truck was a chance to get kidnapped and held for ransom."  Zach and Reese laughed, "Reese introduced me to it a few days ago."

Zach tickled his little sister who laid on the other side of him, "I should have been there to make fun of my girlfriend."

"It's alright I teased her the entire time." Reese smiled at her brother.

The siblings high fived as Eva scoffed at the two, "You guys are so mean to me."

Zach and Reese shared a look before attacking her in hugs and kisses, "We love you!" They cheered in unison as Eva laughed at the feeling of their 'love'.

Myta walked in with a fond smile etched on her lips, "Go to bed, come on Reese." Reese sighed before running over to her mom.

"Night Zachy, night Eva." The couple waved at the little girl as Myta shut the door.

Zach stood up from his side of the bed as Eva tied her damp hair into a bun as she had taken a shower. Eva cuddled into the bed sheets as Zach went to change and brush his teeth, which Eva and Reese did prior to watching the movie.

When the door opened revealing a smiling Zach, Eva smiled softly at him as he jumped on the bed beside her after shutting the lights. She wrapped her arms around Zach's waist, tangling her legs with his.

"I was only telling her I love her more because she gets jealous if I love someone more than her. We both know I love hanging out with you more."  Pressing her lips to Zach's, her hands going through his messy hair.

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