Chapter Seventeen

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Welcome to my house.
Zach walked into Eva's room a bright smile playing on his face as he threw the door open. "Almost ready?" He questioned Eva.

She rolled her eyes at his question, motioning to her outfit of shorts and his hoodie. "Of course, I'm ready!" He rolled his eyes before taking her suitcase and her hand.

"Let's go." Everyone waited downstairs with their suitcases as they were all going to their home towns. The second  they came downstairs everyone started to head towards the door.

"We all have two different Uber's because there is a lot of us." Jonah announced as they walked outside. "Tate, Daniel, Corbyn, you're with me. Jack, Eva, Gabbie and Zach, over there."

The four hopped into the Tesla, after they put their suitcase in the trunk. Zach and Eva sat in the back of the car beside Gabbie, whilst Jack sat in the front beside the driver. Eva ended up autographing a paper for his daughter.

Jack had the aux and the whole car was jamming out to Ariana Grande. "It's your other celebrity crush." Eva whispered to Zach, who rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't even one of your celebrity crushes." He responded with a pout.

Eva smiled pecking his cheek, "You're still after Ryan Reynolds and Thomas Mann. Hmm... maybe Reese does love you more."

Zach scoffed playfully hitting her, she only laughed before turning to Gabbie. He continued to watch Eva as she talked to Gabbie while they were on Live. By the angle of the camera, the fans could see the loving way he stared at her.

When they finally reached the airport, Zach grabbed their bags before going back to take Eva's hand. The two waited for Jabbie, Jatum, and Caniel, (idek) Before they went inside.

As the boarding call was heard over the intercom, the group said goodbye. "See you guys in two weeks." Eva called as Zach pulled her towards the plane door.

Thy settled into their seats in first class, "Isn't this weird?" Zach asked the girl laying in his arms. "What is?"

"Us. I mean three years ago, I was a 14 year old sitting in my room singing for about a hundred people. And you were modeling for Gucci and Versace at 14. While I was dreaming about meeting you, you were thinking about older men. It seems unreal that you're about to meet my family."

Eva pressed her glossed lips to his, she pulled away pressing a hand on his cheek, "It is real and I'm happy that it is. I mean, I have you Zach. Sure only five months ago, you were just a boy in a band to me. Now you're all I think about."

Zach's rosy cheeks went a dark shade of red, "Gosh, I hate that I'm so pale."

"Really? I love it, I can always see you blush." She pecked his cheek softly.

The plane had landed in Dallas, Texas around 5:00 pm in the late afternoon, the sun setting in the horizon. Zach held Eva's hand tightly as he lead her to baggage claim. He quickly grabbed their bags before grabbing her hand again.

She flashed her signature smile at him before he looked at something. "Found them! Ready?" Eva nodded eagerly as he pulled her through the maze of people.

The second that Zach's and his siblings eyes met he let go of Eva's hand and his suitcase. Eva smiled at their encounter before grabbing the bags and walking over. He hugged his mom as Reese walked over to Eva.

"Do you love Zach?" She questioned.

Eva remembered Zach's words from the other day as she leaned down to Reese level. "Yup, but you probably love him way more than me." Reese smiled pleased with Eva's answer.

"Hey, I like her!" Reese called gaining her families attention. Zach grinned picking Reese up to sit on his hip. He wrapped an arm around Eva's shoulder leading her to his mom and dad.

"Mom, Dad this is my girlfriend Eva, Eva this is my parents." Eva smiled as Myta and Josh pulled her into an embrace.

"You're pretty." Myta complimented.

Eva blushed, "Thank you."

"Call me, Myta and call him Josh or Mr. Herron whatever you're comfortable with." Myta smiled at Eva before turning to Zach, pinching his cheeks.

"Mom!" He protested causing Eva to laugh as his cheeks went a bright shade of red.

"EVA MENDEZ! ZACH HERRON!" As a whole crowd of fans came towards the family.

"Go take them, I'll distract!" Eva ushered Zach away, him quickly talking his family out of sight before paparazzi could come.

Eva walked towards her fans, she autographed her fans paper and took pictures. "I love you!" A fan told her as Eva pulled her into a hug.

The crying fan held her tightly, "Don't cry, I love you so much." When the fans began to leave, Zach ran over. He waved to the remaining fans before throwing Eva over his shoulder, a loud squeal escaping her lips as he walked back to his waiting family.

Zach set her down when they reached his family before they began to exit the airport. "How'd you know to do that?" Ryan asked the pretty girl.

She smiled down at him, "I had to do it all the time when I was on Magcon so the boys wouldn't get attached my fangirls." She explained as they got to their car. Upon request, Eva sat in the back with Reese.

As Reese got on her car seat, Myta was about to go buckle her but Eva has already done it. Myta smiled at her sons girlfriend as she made sure Reese was comfortable.

Zach went to get in the car but his parents pulled him back, "I like her." They whispered before getting into the car themselves. A grin on Zach's face as he got into the car, seeing how quickly Eva, Reese and Ryan became friends.

Eva looked up at him with a soft grin before she continued tickling a giggling Reese. "You're pretty." Reese commented as she moved a strand of Eva's hair.

"Oh yeah, well you're beautiful, Reese Herron." A childish grin spread of Reese face at Eva's comment. "You know, you're Zach's celebrity crush."

Eva laughed softly as she looked to her boyfriend who was in discussion with Ryan before turning back to a smiling Reese, "Yeah, don't tell him this but he's my celebrity crush too."


Me this entire chapter lol

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Me this entire chapter lol

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