Chapter Eighteen

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Let's do Zach's makeup!
As the group arrived at the Herron household, Reese and Eva had just finished up a discussion over which Avenger was actually the best. Reese saying Arabella Rogers, Zach seconding that, and Eva saying that Natasha or Wanda were the best.

Ryan disagreeing and saying it was Captain America or Iron Men.

The Herron parents watching them every once in a while. Both agreeing out of all of Zach's girlfriends, Eva was the one that they actually liked even though they've know her for an hour at best. They knew that she was a sweet girl since she was just a kid in the limelight.

And that she had been Zach's celebrity crush since the age of 12. Eva unbuckled Reese chair before exiting the car, Zach of course helping them out as Eva tripped on her way out. The two laughed as he held her up, his family studying them with a fond smile.

"You're to clumsy, Miss.Mendez." Zach commented in a sassy yet classy voice.

"Yeah, but you'll catch me, Mr.Herron." She replied with the same tone of voice.

Zach handed her her suitcase before grabbing his and taking her hand he led her to the open door that his parents unlocked as she fell. "I'm gonna see you're childhood room, what would I be aware of?" She asked as she closed and locked the front door.

"A lot of music stuff around the room, and a bed that I used to use every night." Eva rolled her eyes at how he was saying it.

"Eva, you can stay in Zach's room with him, just no funny business." Myta narrowed her eyes at her son before walking off.

Zach flushed scratching the back of his neck, "Well then, come on." Again he took Eva's hand before leading her upstairs to his room.

He let her in first and the first thing she noticed was the guitar, the bed and a desk with a mirror. "For my hair." Zach commented as he jumped onto his bed.

She rolled her eyes before leaving her suitcase by the door and jumping beside him. Zach pressed his lips onto Eva's, "Eww!" They pulled away at Reese shriek of disgust.

Eva smiled as Reese jumped in between the two, Zach and her messing around as Reese now had vampire teeth in and a long plastic finger. Eva took a photo of them as they stared at each other.


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Liked by XoXo, DuaLipa, MillieBobbyBrown and 17.4 million others

evamendez- in Texas and these two r brother sister goals, plus Reese said she likes me🥰

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