Chapter Twenty-Two

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Open your door, puta!
The girls all hugged as they met back up at the house. "I missed you guys." Christina cried as the boys rolled their eyes at their reuniting girlfriends.

Eva had a frown on her face so Tate instantly worried that it was Brandon, "Are you alright? Eva?" She asked gaining the attention of the boys and girls.

"I miss Reese and Ryan." She admits with a sheepish blush on her face as she sat down.

A sudden pound on her front door shocked everyone before Eva stood up walking towards the door curiously, "Open the door, puta!" She heard and immediately smiled.

"Kat!" She cheered as she threw the door open and pulled her best friend into an embrace. "Weren't you supposed to be in New York for the photo shoot?"

Kat shook her head as she locked the front door, "I wanted to surprise you. And I missed my bed." Katarina's eyes traveled the room as she looked around at everyone.

Eva nudged her friend who walked towards the group, "Hi I'm Katarina."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zach. Eva's boyfriend." Kats smiled at the boy before turning to look at the next boy beside him, her heart fluttered as her eyes met a pair of blue orbs.

"Ugh hi um I'm Daniel." Kats smiled at him as she tried to ignore her blush.

Eva however noticed immediately as did the other girls and the brainiac, Corbyn. Daniel looked down as he met Eva's hazily, brown eyes. "How cute! I ship it already!"

Both Daniel and Katarina blushed as Kat his her friend, "Imma take a shower." She announced before retreating up the stairs she hadn't walked up in six months.

"Mr. Seavey." Daniel hummed in response at Eva's words, "You're gonna get a girlfriend." She cheered in a sing song voice.

"I just met her!" He defended.

Eva shrugged, "Here are some tips to make Kat, Katarina Seavey." Daniel flushed instantly, "She's more open but very fragile after her kinda toxic relationship with her ex. Wait sorry, ex's. Oh and when she's mad she'll clench her fist and puff hair out of her face. It's kinda adorable though."

"Kaniel!" Gabbie cheered as everyone agreed upon the ship name except for a blushing bride that is Daniel James Seavey.

"Come on Mr.Seavey you'll love her, she's a singer and a model. Very kind, smart but also sassy and to sarcastic to function. What more could anyone want?"

"You." Zach muttered under his breath yet everyone heard him as he laid behind Eva on the couch.

Tate suddenly looked at the two with a soft grin on her face but paused. "Eva, Zach um I need to tell you something."

Jonah nudged her immediately, "They don't have to know."

"Yes, they do! Jonah, I don't want anyone trying to interfere with them." Tate responded before the two began to argue.

Zach set up with a worried expression on his face, "Wait, who's trying to interfere?"

"Great!" Jonah stayed dramatically, "I'm getting coffee." He stood up and walked out the front door.

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