Chapter Ten

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The First I Love You's
"Zach!" Eva screamed as the boy lifted his girlfriend up off the ground from beside Gabbie and Tate. She screamed for help as the others recorded the encounter.

He walked closer to the pool as she screamed and called for Daniel. "Zach no!" She shrieked as he tried to drop her but she pulled him in with her.

Everyone laughed as Zach and Eva began a water fight as Jonah went on live, pointing the   camera at them. "Couple goals!" Eva and Zach shared a look before throwing water at the group.

They all erupted into laughter as everyone jumped in and splashed around in the pool. The boys began playing chicken fight while the girls would shove them from behind.

No one had won.

Eva screamed out in shock as Zach lifted her up on his shoulders. Daniel started talking to the live again before ending it as it became late. Zach set her back on the edge of the pool. She helped him out before placing a towel over his shoulders.

Zach opened his arms for her to get into his arms, she smiled and got in as he closed his arms. Everyone headed inside the house to get dry but Zach held onto Eva's waist keeping her there.

"Wait, where's the promise ring?" He asked looking at her hands with a frown.

Eva pecked his lips, "Inside with my phone, I didn't want to lose it." They walked inside the house and walked towards the kitchen.

She slipped the infinity diamond encrusted ring that Zach gave her in Paris on her finger. A soft smile on her face as Zach pecked her cheek softly from behind her. They stared into each other's eyes about to kiss when her phone rang.

Eva let out a frustrated groan before answering hearing the voice of Mandy Summerman, her manager. "Interview, tomorrow at 3:00 pm, on the dot, Teen Vogue. Alright by Mandy. Of course I won't forget. Name one time... I said one! Goodnight."

Zach stood behind his girlfriend laughing at the small pout on her lips, "Interview tomorrow?" He asked causing Eva to nod as they dragged themselves up to her room.

The others already in the rooms that they took over, "Want me to drive you?" Eva snorted.

Zach gave her a look causing her to press a kiss to his lips, "Hey, I like you Zach but I'm not trying to die. Mandy will come to my funeral and yell at me for another excuse."

They entered the room and changed into sweats, Eva sliding into Zach's hoodie the one he gave her when they were at the boys house. One she became obsessed with.

Zach slipped his hand loosely around her waist as she snuggled into his arms. He breathed softly on her neck sending shivers down her spine. Eva swiftly turned laying her head on his chest, his arms never leaving her waist.

"Goodnight beautiful." Zach whispered softly before he had come to think that she had fallen asleep. "I love you."

But she wasn't asleep.

"I love you too."

His eyes widened softly as he looked down at her a tired grin on her lips as she leaned up and kissed him. She pulled away snuggling into his chest before they fell fast asleep.

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